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Angela Wrightson murder: Girls given life terms.

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If you own a dog and it bites someone you face the courts. It should be the same with your kids, they break the law the parents also have to answer for it.


Couldn't agree more, obviously in this case the kids were in care but there seems to be no repercussions for the scumbags that put the children in this place.

Having your kids taken off you because you are a piece of filth shouldn't be the ultimate punishment, afterall they can just go out and create more.


Stick em inside, it's much harder to procreate in jail.

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Bang on. In my utopia, people would be sterilised at birth, and the process only reversed when they prove they are a capable parent. Sounds harsh, but this would solve so many of the world's problems at a stroke.

IN before LeMaquis reminds everyone about these guys called Nazis that no one other than he has heard of and compares you to them.

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In France at least, children with a "sense of discernment" (basically, who can be shown to know right from wrong) can be tried for criminal acts regardless of age. Code Penal, article 122-8.


Also, parents assume full civil liability for any and all criminal damages caused by their child. Code Civil, article 1384.


In France, if your kid steals, joyrides and torches a car, the kid goes down the clink and you pay the owner for the car. If your kid kills a person on whom others (wife, children,...) were depending, the kid goes down the clink and you pay repairs to/support the deceased's dependants.


Which explains why parents are required to hold civil liability insurance for their child (and when they don't, but end up in the situation, get made to pay with repossession of assets by bailiffs, attachments of earnings and the like, potentially for many years indeed).


Kinda helps keep parenting skills and responsibilities in focus. And, accessorily, legs crossed and/or contraceptive means in ready use ;)


How many children have been tried and sentenced to life for a similar act in France?

According to the BBC reporter yesterday - 200 in the uk, 2 in the whole of the EU in the last decade, but i'm only repeating what the reporter said, so that could be my misjudgement.

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IN before LeMaquis reminds everyone about these guys called Nazis that no one other than he has heard of and compares you to them.


LOL. I would take a little exception to that. I'm not calling for mass extermination or anything, but selective breeding does have it's merits.

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How many children have been tried and sentenced to life for a similar act in France?
Quite a few more than '2', looks like.


Matthieu Moulinas, 17 when he rapes and kills 13 year old Agnès Marin and and burns her body. 'Life' (meaning 20 years), by the children tribunal (2011). (link)


Two teenagers, 15 when they kill another teenager with a bullet to the head in Rouen. 18 and 20 years respectively, by the children tribunal (2013). (link)


Another teenager, 15 when he killed a 36 yr old in Le Mans. 10 years by the children tribunal (2015). (link)


They're just those I found with a 2 minute Googling. So that's just 4 in the past 5 years in France alone, without looking at the rest of the EU, nor looking for a complete list.

According to the BBC reporter yesterday - 200 in the uk, 2 in the whole of the EU in the last decade, but i'm only repeating what the reporter said, so that could be my misjudgement.
A BBC reporter a bit light on facts and a bit heavy on wavy handy hyperbole? Well I never! :hihi:


Still...if that's 200 kids sentenced to hard time in the UK for murder in the last decade....quite an indictment of British society, methinks

Edited by L00b
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Another failed parent.


At least this poor victim can rest in peace.



And the parents of the parents.


Dreadfully I think we'll see more and more cases like this as the social policies of the last 20-30 years in tandem with the loss of stable blue collar jobs seem to have created lots of failed families :(

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Quite a few more than '2', looks like.


Matthieu Moulinas, 17 when he rapes and kills 13 year old Agnès Marin and and burns her body. 'Life' (meaning 20 years), by the children tribunal (2011). (link)


Two teenagers, 15 when they kill another teenager with a bullet to the head in Rouen. 18 and 20 years respectively, by the children tribunal (2013). (link)


Another teenager, 15 when he killed a 36 yr old in Le Mans. 10 years by the children tribunal (2015). (link)


They're just those I found with a 2 minute Googling. So that's just 4 in the past 5 years in France alone, without looking at the rest of the EU, nor looking for a complete list.

A BBC reporter a bit light on facts and a bit heavy on wavy handy hyperbole? Well I never! :hihi:


Still...if that's 200 kids sentenced to hard time in the UK for murder in the last decade....quite an indictment of British society, methinks


Well obviously they caught me out..:mad:

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Carers are limited in responsibility towards people in there care, they can't refuse them the rights to leave the home,they can't remove mobile phones,money etc.


So what could they do?


Ask the girls where they are going? What they are doing? Surely that's part of their remit in 'protecting' the girls? - Even if it is from themselves in this case?

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