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How to report fitness/sports groups who train in park?

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Its this time of year when we see sports groups poping up and running sessions in local parks. What gives these groups the right to take over parks and can they be reported to anyone?


If someone is running a small football coaching club and there are 10 kids who have paid £3, then that's £30 in the back pocket of the person running the session.


So £30 to spend in the pub the following day rather than giving it to the tax man


Should the Tax people not be asking questions?


Can these groups be cleared off the parks?


Down with this sort of thing! Whatever it is.

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No I won't


they are a flipping nuisance.


I'm trying to have a quiet drink of booze in my local park


So you wind your neck in :mad:


well lets hope one of the groups that use the park sees you the wino on the park bench and kick you out as an undesirable!!! go to a pub to booze:thumbsup:

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Its this time of year when we see sports groups poping up and running sessions in local parks. What gives these groups the right to take over parks and can they be reported to anyone?


If someone is running a small football coaching club and there are 10 kids who have paid £3, then that's £30 in the back pocket of the person running the session.


So £30 to spend in the pub the following day rather than giving it to the tax man


Should the Tax people not be asking questions?


Can these groups be cleared off the parks?


I'd have them horse whipped! What gives them the right to enjoy the local parks facilities? Isn't this what our council tax funds?

The £3 charge is probably to boost the clubs funds and fund equipment, not as you seem to think to spend in the pub on Sunday lunchtime.

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