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Stories in press re: Sam Cameron's 53k fashion advisor

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Why should what Sam Cam wears be of any importance?


She has no power, she just hangs on her husband's arm.


I don't care if she wears a bin bag. But i do care if the 53K for her dresser comes out of public taxes.


I'd rather she stayed at home.

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Looks like it's a bit of an insult to call her a 'fashion advisor', she's obviously her PA and responsible for getting her to where she needs to be and looking the part. Taxpayers money being spent on vanity projects is nothing new, wasn't it a few years ago the taxpayer was footing the bill for 12 grand artworks of Diane Abbott?


It's this sort of nonsense that reflects the appalling performance by government departments and the public sector in general when it comes to getting value for money.


People will vote for them not holding their nose but fully NBC suited thanks to the shambolic mess the Labour party has become. The morons who shoehorned comrade corbyn into the leadership have done the country a massive disservice in destroying effective opposition to an arrogant government.


The fault of 'inefficient public services' and 'morons in the Labour Party'....

I'm only surprised that the Prime Minister's wife's 'PA' is on the paltry sum of £53,000. After all if Sam Cam going to play Lady Bountiful to the elderly, the sick, and the disabled, she's got to look the part. And to look the part she's got to have the best advice on how to look fashionable and elegant. And that advice shouldn't come cheap, especially if the taxpayer is footing the bill.

I just hope the poor and needy are grateful, and suitably dressed in pauper's rags.

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She is not a 53k dresser. Stop taking the headlines at face value.


She is a personal assistant. Lots of high profile people have them including several wives / spouses of those in high offices.


Just because the paper focuses on the so called "fashion and beauty" advice does not mean that she doesn't do lots of other things.


Now, im not saying that this woman should be paid by a the taxpayer. In fact IMO she shouldn't. However, lets not pretend that being the wife of the Prime Minister does not come with a whole string of unofficial and unpaid duties. That includes being there during all state and ministerial functions, being hostess to visiting dignitaries, charity work, official receptions, engagements and managing the media attention that comes with it.


Someone has to be there to deal with the errands, running around and administration that comes with it.


Can we please stop the headline grabbing nonsense.

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She is not a 53k dresser. Stop taking the headlines at face value.


She is a personal assistant. Lots of high profile people have them including several wives / spouses of those in high offices.


Just because the paper focuses on the so called "fashion and beauty" advice does not mean that she doesn't do lots of other things.


Now, im not saying that this woman should be paid by a the taxpayer. In fact IMO she shouldn't. However, lets not pretend that being the wife of the Prime Minister does not come with a whole string of unofficial and unpaid duties. That includes being there during all state and ministerial functions, being hostess to visiting dignitaries, charity work, official receptions, engagements and managing the media attention that comes with it.

Someone has to be there to deal with the errands, running around and administration that comes with it.


Can we please stop the headline grabbing nonsense.


Bloody hell, I don't know how the poor love manages it. I'm just exhausted from reading that list :hihi:

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Bloody hell, I don't know how the poor love manages it. I'm just exhausted reading that list :hihi:


Didn't Sarah Brown have 3 aides? One for her hair, one for her outfit and one to whisper in her ear 'no, he really is loved by the public, seriously'

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The only reason for a change of personnel is because the role became vacant and this friend of a friend of a friend who just happens to be posh has got the job.


She is one of the many many "special advisor" roles which are held by not just the PMs office or his wife's office but by layers of deputies, quangos, departments. Labour had over 80 of them during their most recent turn in office.


Are you missing the point, Cameron came into ofice and said that he was getting rid of quangos and waste.

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Talk about a bandwagon.


Seriously the media need a rocket up their backsides and report on some actual news for Christ sake.


Nobody gave a flying frig of the fact that the Wife of the Prime Minister had an assistant when the role was first recruited six years ago.


The only reason for a change of personnel is because the role became vacant and this friend of a friend of a friend who just happens to be posh has got the job.


She is one of the many many "special advisor" roles which are held by not just the PMs office or his wife's office but by layers of deputies, quangos, departments. Labour had over 80 of them during their most recent turn in office.


I would bet my house that if this recent Cameron attack was not happening this story would be burred in the back pages, if it was even mentioned at all.


I care. I never knew about this role and I'm pretty disgusted by it. In an era of austerity it it crass and unnecessary.

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No doubt the usual crew, Obelix, Ron Jeremy and Foxy Lady, plus all those who have changed their names in the past year will be here to defend him and then make reference to Tony Blair having lots of houses, missing the point by a mile that Tony Blair was always one of their's anyway.


For my sins I have a friend who's an active Tory party member (Hi Robin!). He regularly posts on forums like this as do a number of his associates in the party- it's their approved role as activists to whip up support for their "sad passions" and hatred for anything that isn't "one of us" yet maintain plausible deniability for the party, for any opinions expressed.

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For my sins I have a friend who's an active Tory party member (Hi Robin!). He regularly posts on forums like this as do a number of his associates in the party- it's their approved role as activists to whip up support for their "sad passions" and hatred for anything that isn't "one of us" yet maintain plausible deniability for the party, for any opinions expressed.


I'm sure all sides do it.

I'm not approved by anyone.

I think Sheffield is a lost cause to the Tories. They would be better focussing in national fora rather than this one.

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