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Wheat Grass Juice Bar

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Hi. Does anyone know of a juice bar that does fresh wheat grass shots? Thanks


Healthy living at healthy prices??? http://www.thehealthbay.com/juice-master-juice-in-a-bar-veggie-68g.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CMihzpefgswCFWQq0wodb5sDUA


What a rip-off.


Anyhow....Penistone999 is into this kinda thing, maybe he'll be along to direct you to one.

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This is Sheffield, not Shoreditch you know!


I remember a colleague from London asking me where the nearest 'Pret' was the other day. Took me a good few minutes to stop laughing! Then I directed her to Leeds.

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People drink it because it is bioactive and has a beneficial effect on the physiology of the body.


Dr Chris Reynolds talks about it in this video:


would much rather have a nice pint of Peroni!! thats made from a sort of grass i suppose:hihi: and it has a very good effect on my physiology too:roll:

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