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Should The Death Penalty Be Brought Back?

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Well should it?




Two thoughts...


1. What would have happened to Stefan Kiszko if we had had the death penalty at the time of his trial. If he had been executed, would such collateral damage have been acceptable.


2. Why just for the murder of a child? Is everyone else a second class citizen, not worthy of our concern?

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Two thoughts...


1. What would have happened to Stefan Kiszko if we had had the death penalty at the time of his trial. If he had been executed, would such collateral damage have been acceptable.


2. Why just for the murder of a child? Is everyone else a second class citizen, not worthy of our concern?


Stefan Kiszko was years ago I'm on about now that might seem I'm side tracking here but science has moved on a lot. No the death plenty should not be the domain of child killers but it might go a long to stop such killings.

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Your spilting hairs here. Yes if a guy regardless of age killed a child while drunk and driving he should be tired and if found guilty hanged, sames goes for you 50 year old situation . Wait for the ' do gooders' answer.


I wasn't trying to catch you out, and to be honest- point 2 jumps out (for me) more than point 1.


I'm on the fence regarding the death penalty because in my job i get to read through peoples forensic history, and it does make you think differently.

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No the death plenty should not be the domain of child killers but it might go a long to stop such killings.


But that logic is flawed. When we did have the death penalty for murder it didn't stop people from killing so therefore it was ineffective. If the death penalty was a deterrent then it didn't work either otherwise there would be no need to keep hanging murders.


DNA evidence cannot prove conclusively that a person did the murder despite what the TV crime dramas portray. ;) It can only used in a court of law as additional evidence to help convict and is more useful when used to screen multiple people to prove innocence.


I could quite easily take some DNA from an innocent person and place that at a crime scene.

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But that logic is flawed. When we did have the death penalty for murder it didn't stop people from killing so therefore it was ineffective. If the death penalty was a deterrent then it didn't work either otherwise there would be no need to keep hanging murders.


DNA evidence cannot prove conclusively that a person did the murder despite what the TV crime dramas portray. ;) It can only used in a court of law as additional evidence to help convict and is more useful when used to screen multiple people to prove innocence.


I could quite easily take some DNA from an innocent person and place that at a crime scene.


As could the state should so feel like it. Do you fancy SYP having the power to send someone to the gallows after a "thorough" investigation? I shudder at the thought.

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Stefan Kiszko was years ago I'm on about now that might seem I'm side tracking here but science has moved on a lot. No the death plenty should not be the domain of child killers but it might go a long to stop such killings.


Science has moved on, but from what I recall it wasn't the scientific evidence that led the criminal justice system to condemn Kiszko to jail but poor procedure by the police, lies that he was a 'pervert' after exposing himself to schoolgirls. Sadly lies, inefficiency, corruption and downright malice still exist.

Mind you given what happened to the poor man whilst in jail, a death sentence would have been a kindness.

Edited by Mister M
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