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Should The Death Penalty Be Brought Back?

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Try watching the film - In the name of the Father - it will send shivers down your spine.


The fact we do not have it is something to be proud of.


"The death penalty legitimizes an irreversible act of violence by the state and will inevitably claim innocent victims. As long as human justice remains fallible, the risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated" Amnesty International

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Maybe if prison wasn't the easy option that it appears to be these days then we would not have a need for the death penalty.

Having said that I read about the Derek Bentley case which hinged on the interpretation of the sentence "Let him have it, Chris" and the now discredited ' Joint enterprise ' offences and am not sure that we can take a persons life based on 12 peoples interpretation of words.

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Maybe if prison wasn't the easy option that it appears to be these days then we would not have a need for the death penalty.

Having said that I read about the Derek Bentley case which hinged on the interpretation of the sentence "Let him have it, Chris" and the now discredited ' Joint enterprise ' offences and am not sure that we can take a persons life based on 12 peoples interpretation of words.


I'm not convinced child killers have it easy in prison.

Although heaven knows why other murderers are not picked on is beyond me.

I suppose it's the morality of the criminal. Better to murder someone than to touch a child's bottom. :loopy:

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It seems an odd morality that says it's wrong to kill someone and in order to deter others from doing it we're going to kill you.


Nothing to do with being a do gooder, simply logical to say if it's wrong it's wrong.

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It seems an odd morality that says it's wrong to kill someone and in order to deter others from doing it we're going to kill you.


Nothing to do with being a do gooder, simply logical to say if it's wrong it's wrong.


Is it the same for kidnappers?

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I would have said yes a good few years ago, but not now. Life should mean just that, and a ? jail term should mean the criminal should serve all of it. not a proportion of it.


This I would appreciate.

Automatic remission is just silly. Remission should be earned and should run in both directions.

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