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Lookling for a "longer life" electric blanket

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Hi !,

This might seem the wrong time of year, but I'm looking for a new electric blanket. Over the past few years, i've been unable to find one that lasts much longer than it's guarantee. Which I for one don't consider to be value for money. Being poor, I started off logically @ the cheap end of the Argos range. When the first one failed, the next time I got a better one, with the same result of lasting barely longer than it;s quarantee. The by now obvious question is, if I contine going up only one level @ a time, will I live long enough to actually get one that, lasts long enough to be considered good value for money? The last one I bought was a "Slumberland", but considering it's short life, it seems not unreasonable to assume that "Slumberland" are trying to boost their profits by buying in poor qualirty electrics from China, or somewhere similar? - Can anybody point me in the direction of somewhere local that I can obtain a suitable electric blanket that'sgoing to be "value for money" & last for a reasonable duration? Local source is desirable, & brand, grade/model & cost would all help? -TIA !

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I would have suggested going to the John Lewis bedding department and asking them but I have even been disappointed with John Lewis recently.

On the other hand, I had a very positive impression of the staff from my recent visit to Debenhams, so maybe try them?

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