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Jeremy Corbyn real chance at PM!

Jeremy Corbyn will be Prime Minister for Great Britain  

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  1. 1. Jeremy Corbyn will be Prime Minister for Great Britain

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labour haven't got owt to worry about for the next couple of years so just leave old Jeremy in place until nearer the time. then whoosh in comes chuka umunna in the running and then its allover for the tories:hihi: I wonder what odds id get on our first mixed race labour prime minister:D

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labour haven't got owt to worry about for the next couple of years so just leave old Jeremy in place until nearer the time. then whoosh in comes chuka umunna in the running and then its allover for the tories:hihi: I wonder what odds id get on our first mixed race labour prime minister:D


That's even better news than Corbyn sticking around. The Trots are stitching up the Labour party apparatus tighter than a nun's knickers. The process of getting rid of Corbyn and putting in a system that would appoint anyone other than a Corbyn clone is lower than Corbyn's chances, and they are just about zero. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


In a leadership contest Chuka would be chukad out after the first ballot. He knew that last time because he's a bright boy. That's why he didn't stand.

Edited by foxy lady
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labour haven't got owt to worry about for the next couple of years so just leave old Jeremy in place until nearer the time. then whoosh in comes chuka umunna in the running and then its allover for the tories:hihi: I wonder what odds id get on our first mixed race labour prime minister:D

What policies does Umuna have? Where does he stand on Europe, minimum wage, trident etc?


Or is the fact that he is Labour and seems sorta alright enough for you?


Seriously I'm interested.

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In a leadership contest Chuka would be chukad out after the first ballot. He knew that last time because he's a bright boy. That's why he didn't stand.

we will see in a Cpl of years :D things will be different then when the tories are on their way out :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 13:03 ----------


What policies does Umuna have? Where does he stand on Europe, minimum wage, trident etc?


Or is the fact that he is Labour and seems sorta alright enough for you?


Seriously I'm interested.

I cant look into the future but around the time of the elections things will be in place. like I said labour haven't got to do anything for a Cpl of years so just sit back and wait :hihi:

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If he's a puppet of the unions, why would he go against the unions in his support for wanting to disarm nuclear weapons?


"Affairs with members of his team", and other accusations you've levelled against him all sound pretty desperate to me. I could mention Cameron with his penis in a dead pigs mouth, but that would be puerile.


And given that many ordinary people, not previously interested in politics, nor rank and file members, queue up to listen to Jeremy Corbyn speak, that says to me that they don't see him a political dinosaur. Personally I think the people of this country have been living under the tired old relic of neoliberal policies for 40 years which have been tested to destruction, and they are sick of it and want something new.


With homelessness and inequality high on the agenda I think it's Cameron's ideas that are taking us back to a regressive Victorian era.


Well said.

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That's not answering the question is it?


So basically he's Labour he's seems sort of alright, so you things he's the bees knees. Awesome.

I answered the question just because you don't like it tough not my problem.:huh: now come and ask me again in a Cpl of years when things will be happening then ill let you know ok :roll:

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Ive seen every Prime Minister Since Attlee, Ive also seen the Leader of the Opposition. Gaitskell, John Smith, were impressive men, as were Bevin ,Bevan, Jenkins,who held high office, Kinnock was a bit of a windbag but he was a credible leader, Michael Foot was a very clever man but a poor leader of the party.


I cant think of anyone worse than Corbyn, I cant even think of him as a serious politician, more a political activist, he should be on a march somewhere or carrying a banner. Ive no doubt he is a nice enough bloke, but you need more than that. The UK voters are never going to make him PM. At least i cannot envisage circumstances that they would. The sooner Labour get over this period of self destruction the better, for the party and the country.


Regarding Cameron and his so called "dodgy" dealings, its a complete non story, he has done absolutely nothing wrong. the sight of village idiots such as Dennis Skinner shouting meaningless nonsense is nothing new.Labour need to get some policies developed, quieten down and work, come up with a credible opposition strategy. Or else the public are going to tire of them and you could seee after the drubbing they are going to get in 2020, the end of the party as we know it.

Too true, unfortunately Labour have a habit of electing the leader they want but not what the country wants. As you say Michael Foot was undoubtably a clever bloke but just came across as a shambling old man, Kinnock could never shake off the image of Welsh Windbag, and certainly did nothing to dispel it. I'm sure most right thinking people knew they'd picked the wrong Milliband, they then select someone more left wing.

The conservatives went through the same process with William Hague, Michael Howard and Ian Duncan Smith before they stumbled on David Cameron.

It's easy to forget that 500 of the 650 seats don't matter, elections are mostly decided on the 150 swing seats and they are the ones to appeal to not committed Labour or Conservative supporters. I've put this argument on here before saying that Tony Blair was the most successful ever labour leader and if you forget what people think of him now he was at the time very electable. But the left leaning people on here have countered that by saying they would sooner be out of power than have a leader like him. So be it then.

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Too true, unfortunately Labour have a habit of electing the leader they want but not what the country wants. As you say Michael Foot was undoubtably a clever bloke but just came across as a shambling old man, Kinnock could never shake off the image of Welsh Windbag, and certainly did nothing to dispel it. I'm sure most right thinking people knew they'd picked the wrong Milliband, they then select someone more left wing.

The conservatives went through the same process with William Hague, Michael Howard and Ian Duncan Smith before they stumbled on David Cameron.

It's easy to forget that 500 of the 650 seats don't matter, elections are mostly decided on the 150 swing seats and they are the ones to appeal to not committed Labour or Conservative supporters. I've put this argument on here before saying that Tony Blair was the most successful ever labour leader and if you forget what people think of him now he was at the time very electable. But the left leaning people on here have countered that by saying they would sooner be out of power than have a leader like him. So be it then.


Can they not find somebody in the Labour party who is both honest and moderate simultaneously. There must be one somewhere. Surely.

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