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Has Conservative Party or its members broken any laws?

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I've noticed there are some extremely knowledgeable people on this site. So I want to ask for some help on a political subject which is very confusing for me.


My dad insists the Conservative Party, since lead by Mr Cameron, have broken no laws during their tenure at 10 Downing Street.


All I see is a very unpopular Party which has had a negative impact on the working class.


But have they broken any promises or more importantly, any laws?

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They are more popular than the Labour Party, that's why they are in power. They seem unpopular because socialists are poor losers and moan and shout when the Party they support lose. The more mature members of society get on with life.


I was gutted in 2005 when, despite murdering over 1 million Muslims and stealing their oil, the evil Labour Party stayed in power. They literally got away with murder! However, instead of moaning about it, I accepted the result as the democratic will of the people.


Have the Conservative Party broken any laws? Yes, probably. Any as serious as the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? No.


I hope that, with your surname, you are not a supporter of the Muslim killers.

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First - runningman1 is trying to 'answer' so that he takes the sting out of the question. Ignore the petty jibes in his reply.


I've noticed there are some extremely knowledgeable people on this site. So I want to ask for some help on a political subject which is very confusing for me.


My dad insists the Conservative Party, since lead by Mr Cameron, have broken no laws during their tenure at 10 Downing Street.


All I see is a very unpopular Party which has had a negative impact on the working class.


But have they broken any promises or more importantly, any laws?


They have not broken laws, as a party in their decisions, because they can't, they are the government and they decide on the law which is valid until it is challenged in court. Even then it is highly unlikely that there will be personal/organisational consequences, as far as I know there have been laws that were revoked, but never was the government found personally guilty of setting up a bad law.


Have they broken any promises? Well, that depends on how you interpret rhetoric. Most political promises are highly mythical, like unicorns, you can talk about them all you like when you are a politician, as long as you never state that they actually exist.

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What petty jibes are there in my reply?


If you consider my comments on the invasion of sovereign states as petty then you need your head examining. Was the invasion of your homeland in the 1940's petty? Or is that not petty because you come from a white country and obviously white lives are far more important than Muslim ones?

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I was gutted in 2005 when, despite murdering over 1 million Muslims and stealing their oil, the evil Labour Party stayed in power. They literally got away with murder! However, instead of moaning about it, I accepted the result as the democratic will of the people.


Have the Conservative Party broken any laws? Yes, probably. Any as serious as the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? No.


Well yes, actually. The Tories supported the invasion of Iraq. Only 15 Tories, compared to 139 Labour MPs, voted against. Cameron and the then leader Ian Duncan Smith were solidly behind Blair.

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Well yes, actually. The Tories supported the invasion of Iraq. Only 15 Tories, compared to 139 Labour MPs, voted against. Cameron and the then leader Ian Duncan Smith were solidly behind Blair.


Blair's lies were very convincing. I for one was taken in. Shame on me.

I won't believe another labour leader for a long time.

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Well yes, actually. The Tories supported the invasion of Iraq. Only 15 Tories, compared to 139 Labour MPs, voted against. Cameron and the then leader Ian Duncan Smith were solidly behind Blair.


Hey, the Conservatives didn't come out of the affair with the cleanest of noses either, but Labour lied and their lives caused the death of millions. A truly evil crime and I fail to understand how anyone that doesn't despise Muslims can even consider voting for them.

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What petty jibes are there in my reply?


If you consider my comments on the invasion of sovereign states as petty then you need your head examining. Was the invasion of your homeland in the 1940's petty? Or is that not petty because you come from a white country and obviously white lives are far more important than Muslim ones?


They are more popular than the Labour Party, that's why they are in power. They seem unpopular because socialists are poor losers and moan and shout when the Party they support lose. The more mature members of society get on with life.

I was gutted in 2005 when, despite murdering over 1 million Muslims and stealing their oil, the evil Labour Party stayed in power. They literally got away with murder! However, instead of moaning about it, I accepted the result as the democratic will of the people.


Have the Conservative Party broken any laws? Yes, probably. Any as serious as the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? No.


I hope that, with your surname, you are not a supporter of the Muslim killers.


You're right, they weren't petty jibes, they were flame-bait.

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Well yes, actually. The Tories supported the invasion of Iraq. Only 15 Tories, compared to 139 Labour MPs, voted against. Cameron and the then leader Ian Duncan Smith were solidly behind Blair.


So the Labour Government of Tony Blair lied, produced a dodgy dossier of lies to get folk to back his plan to invade Iraq in 2003. So just what has that to do with a Conservative Government that came to power in 2010 and got us out of Iraq?

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