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Has Conservative Party or its members broken any laws?

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So the Labour Government of Tony Blair lied, produced a dodgy dossier of lies to get folk to back his plan to invade Iraq in 2003. So just what has that to do with a Conservative Government that came to power in 2010 and got us out of Iraq?


Did they lie to get us out too??


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You're right, they weren't petty jibes, they were flame-bait.


Calling Labour Muslim killers is a factual statement that highlights the evil way in which Millions of innocent people lost their lives. Is calling the Nazis "Jew killers" baiting anyone or is it actually a fairly accurate reflection of what they did.


The poor losers bit, after re - reading may indeed come across as a jibe, it wasn't intended to be one though.

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The poor losers bit, after re - reading may indeed come across as a jibe, it wasn't intended to be one though.


After loosing the last election every Labour supporter was screaming bloody murder and calling for 'proportional representation' or other alternative voting system.


Don't they remember having a vote on that stuff only a few years ago??


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Calling Labour Muslim killers is a factual statement that highlights the evil way in which Millions of innocent people lost their lives. Is calling the Nazis "Jew killers" baiting anyone or is it actually a fairly accurate reflection of what they did.


The poor losers bit, after re - reading may indeed come across as a jibe, it wasn't intended to be one though.


I'm going to do something that foxy lady is a fan off: Be careful, someone might get you for libel.


Calloing Labour Muslim killers is a completely charged political comment that comes across as enormously disingenuous in a thread about Tories.


The OP asked if the government has done anything illegal, it hasn't, it can't. What might happen is that individuals get taken to court about lying whilst in government - to influence government decisions, but that is not the same as the government lying.

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I personally know a conservative party member who was imprisoned for larceny.

After a period wandering in sackcloth and ashes he was allowed to be an active party member again.


But as Dennis Skinner said "Half the tory members opposite aren't crooks"

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I'm going to do something that foxy lady is a fan off: Be careful, someone might get you for libel.


Calloing Labour Muslim killers is a completely charged political comment that comes across as enormously disingenuous in a thread about Tories.


The OP asked if the government has done anything illegal, it hasn't, it can't. What might happen is that individuals get taken to court about lying whilst in government - to influence government decisions, but that is not the same as the government lying.



Due to the nature of our two party system, any discussion that attacks one promotes the other. So it is a fair comment when asked "has this government done anything illegal" to answer, "not to my knowledge, but the last guys did". Do you not think that is a fair thing to say?


Calling Labour Muslim killers may be politically charged, but it is factually accurate.


There has never been a case of libel in which the attacked party was a political party. There has also never been a case of li el in which the truth was told.


Why are you defending a group that deliberately lied causing the deaths of anything between 1 - 2.5 million Muslims and displaced 20 million more, on top of stealing their resources and creating instability that caused the rose of groups like ISIS, perpetuating the misery of these innocent people?

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Two party system???


You are mistaken.


It is a one party the system. The establishment.


While they argue theatrically on question time, they attend each other's weddings, send their kids to the same schools, award contracts to the same companies and use the same escorts!


Get real....when a party was set up by the working class masses it was quickly infiltrated by the establishment to the point Tony Blair a true establishment man ends up in charge.

I mean Blair and Cameron pretty much agree on everything.


The minute a non establishment figure like Corbiyn emerges the establishment round on him as unelectable. Not that I am a fan I just see it for what it is


The establishment don't care whether it is a Tory or labour government as their view will win through as they have the money and influence to ensure their positions are maintained.


This is just an illusion of democracy.....the will of the majority of the people is not what the government is implementing!

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I've noticed there are some extremely knowledgeable people on this site. So I want to ask for some help on a political subject which is very confusing for me.


My dad insists the Conservative Party, since lead by Mr Cameron, have broken no laws during their tenure at 10 Downing Street.


All I see is a very unpopular Party which has had a negative impact on the working class.

But have they broken any promises or more importantly, any laws?


my bold

What negative impact on the working class ?

I have been no better off under a Labour government and I am 'working class', at least my tax threshold has increased in recent years under this lot, whereas the only workers to benefit from a Labour government tend to be the middle class public sector workers !

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my bold

What negative impact on the working class ?

I have been no better off under a Labour government and I am 'working class', at least my tax threshold has increased in recent years under this lot, whereas the only workers to benefit from a Labour government tend to be the middle class public sector workers !


Well said.

The Labour party, as I keep trying to tell the middle class socialists on this forum, have long ceased setting policy for the benefit of the "working class". It's now all about the states' client class: those on benefits or employed in the public sector.

If only the well-intentioned middle-class supporters understood that their support for Labour actually hurts the people they desire to help...

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