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Has Conservative Party or its members broken any laws?

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I cant think of any MP's from any party that have been arrested in the last 6 years to be fair.


Your memory must be pretty crap then. Barnselys MP got 12 months inside in 2011.

Another Labour chap got in hot water for having a drunken punch-up in the Westminster bar.


Also wasn't Mitchell arrested at some point over the whole plebgate mess??

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Due to the nature of our two party system, any discussion that attacks one promotes the other. So it is a fair comment when asked "has this government done anything illegal" to answer, "not to my knowledge, but the last guys did". Do you not think that is a fair thing to say?


Calling Labour Muslim killers may be politically charged, but it is factually accurate.


There has never been a case of libel in which the attacked party was a political party. There has also never been a case of li el in which the truth was told.


Why are you defending a group that deliberately lied causing the deaths of anything between 1 - 2.5 million Muslims and displaced 20 million more, on top of stealing their resources and creating instability that caused the rose of groups like ISIS, perpetuating the misery of these innocent people?


I'm not defending Labour, in fact I think Blair has serious questions to answer and think the prosecution is dragging its heels on the topic. I do however have a problem with the way you phrased your post.


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 10:55 ----------


I cant think of any MP's from any party that have been arrested in the last 6 years to be fair.


MPs can get arrested (and do) but that is a separate issue. The individual members of parliament are not above justice, the government as an entity however is above national law.

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Your memory must be pretty crap then. Barnselys MP got 12 months inside in 2011.

Another Labour chap got in hot water for having a drunken punch-up in the Westminster bar.


Also wasn't Mitchell arrested at some point over the whole plebgate mess??


It's not that crap being unable to recall something from 5 years ago.


I did look into the expenses scandal but that all started in 2009 and I assumed (wrongly) the repercussions were closer to that date than now.

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I did look into the expenses scandal but that all started in 2009 and I assumed (wrongly) the repercussions were closer to that date than now.


So what you were saying is:


I can't remember anyone being arrested, after the last time they were all arrested.


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Well yes, actually. The Tories supported the invasion of Iraq. Only 15 Tories, compared to 139 Labour MPs, voted against. Cameron and the then leader Ian Duncan Smith were solidly behind Blair.


Correct, but your context is misleading. Blair lied to parliament. He stated clearly that our country was in danger. He stated that Iraq had WMD.


That is why many in his own party who would normally vote against military action did so, it is alsio why many Tories did the same.


The war crime was committed by Blair representing the Labour government.


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 11:15 ----------


I'm not defending Labour, in fact I think Blair has serious questions to answer and think the prosecution is dragging its heels on the topic. I do however have a problem with the way you phrased your post.


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 10:55 ----------



MPs can get arrested (and do) but that is a separate issue. The individual members of parliament are not above justice, the government as an entity however is above national law.


Runningmans language may be a trifle inflammatory, but I believe his contribution is entirely accurate, how any Muslim can be a member of or support the Labour party is beyond me.

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So what you were saying is:


I can't remember anyone being arrested, after the last time they were all arrested.



Haha, no Im saying, differentiating between something that happened 5 years ago and something that happened 6 years ago is a little difficult, given the length of time to now and the period of time between.

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Well said.

The Labour party, as I keep trying to tell the middle class socialists on this forum, have long ceased setting policy for the benefit of the "working class". It's now all about the states' client class: those on benefits or employed in the public sector.

If only the well-intentioned middle-class supporters understood that their support for Labour actually hurts the people they desire to help...

Yup. No idea why supposedly intelligent people fail to grasp that.


I'd go as far as to say that the Tories are now much more the party of the working person than Labour. And that's not an endorsement of the Tories.

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I'm not defending Labour, in fact I think Blair has serious questions to answer and think the prosecution is dragging its heels on the topic. I do however have a problem with the way you phrased your post..


My post attacked a party that deliberately lied to facilitate the mass murder of, and theft from, a group of people that just happen to be a bit different from us. You have a problem with my phrasing?


Replace Labour Party with Nazi Party and "Muslim people" (whom happen to be brown in the vast majority of cases) with Jewish people (whom happen to be white) and see if you would accuse me of libel and tell me I am being unfair.


Your people know only to well the horrors of invasion and religious based murder. If you are too young to remember, ask your parents. I am shocked you would attack the phrasing of a poster who is pointing out religious mass murder by a main stream political party. As if phrasing is even an issue when we are discussing mass murder.

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Haha, no Im saying, differentiating between something that happened 5 years ago and something that happened 6 years ago is a little difficult, given the length of time to now and the period of time between.


I just found it funny you picked that time, mainly because it was the last time the old bill were down Parliment on mass locking MP's up for breaking the law.



It's all cyclical, so it won't take too long before another story breaks and they're all found with their noses in the trough again.

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