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Has Conservative Party or its members broken any laws?

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MPs can get arrested (and do) but that is a separate issue. The individual members of parliament are not above justice, the government as an entity however is above national law.


But not above international law.

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Two party system???


You are mistaken.


It is a one party the system. The establishment.


While they argue theatrically on question time, they attend each other's weddings, send their kids to the same schools, award contracts to the same companies and use the same escorts!


Get real....when a party was set up by the working class masses it was quickly infiltrated by the establishment to the point Tony Blair a true establishment man ends up in charge.

I mean Blair and Cameron pretty much agree on everything.


The minute a non establishment figure like Corbiyn emerges the establishment round on him as unelectable. Not that I am a fan I just see it for what it is


The establishment don't care whether it is a Tory or labour government as their view will win through as they have the money and influence to ensure their positions are maintained.


This is just an illusion of democracy.....the will of the majority of the people is not what the government is implementing!




It's a one party system ....the fools can't see it....distracted by the dazzling lights.....that's how illusionists pull it off

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But have they broken any promises or more importantly, any laws?


In June 2015, a judge ruled that there had been “breach of duty on the part of the secretary of state(Iain Duncan Smith) to act without unreasonable delay in determination of the claimant’s claims for PIP,” the replacement for disability living allowance.


Theresa May unlawfully detained potential trafficking victims, court rules.


Lots of broken promises -



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Two party system???


You are mistaken.


It is a one party the system. The establishment.


While they argue theatrically on question time, they attend each other's weddings, send their kids to the same schools, award contracts to the same companies and use the same escorts!


Get real....when a party was set up by the working class masses it was quickly infiltrated by the establishment to the point Tony Blair a true establishment man ends up in charge.

I mean Blair and Cameron pretty much agree on everything.


The minute a non establishment figure like Corbiyn emerges the establishment round on him as unelectable. Not that I am a fan I just see it for what it is


The establishment don't care whether it is a Tory or labour government as their view will win through as they have the money and influence to ensure their positions are maintained.


This is just an illusion of democracy.....the will of the majority of the people is not what the government is implementing!


I agree whole heartedly, and I am also surprised others can't see it.


However I'm not sure if the Establishment hasn't been superseeded by the major Corporations, some of which are wealthier, and therefore more powerful than some countries.

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Runningmans language may be a trifle inflammatory, but I believe his contribution is entirely accurate, how any Muslim can be a member of or support the Labour party is beyond me.


The point is, it isn't a trifle inflammatory, it is entirely intended to be inflammatory. I will never support the Labour party, but to accuse the entire party of genocide because of the actions of Blair is wholly ignorant.

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The point is, it isn't a trifle inflammatory, it is entirely intended to be inflammatory. I will never support the Labour party, but to accuse the entire party of genocide because of the actions of Blair is wholly ignorant.


Surely only a few key members of the Blair government are culpable for the dodgy dossier and the bovine excrement surrounding it. I think it reasonable to assume that the government back benchers of the time and the party as a whole were largely duped like the rest of us.

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My post attacked a party that deliberately lied to facilitate the mass murder of, and theft from, a group of people that just happen to be a bit different from us. You have a problem with my phrasing?


Yes I do:


Replace Labour Party with Nazi Party and "Muslim people" (whom happen to be brown in the vast majority of cases) with Jewish people (whom happen to be white) and see if you would accuse me of libel and tell me I am being unfair.


Quad erat demonstrandum - you are being unfair because you are inferring that Blair approved war in Iraq on the grounds of an undemocratic decision to commit genocide. The Nazis were not a democratic party and their goal was to exterminate Jews. Even the insinuation that Blair's goal was to exterminate Muslims is absurd and only designed to provoke incendiary responses.


Your people know only to well the horrors of invasion and religious based murder. If you are too young to remember, ask your parents. I am shocked you would attack the phrasing of a poster who is pointing out religious mass murder by a main stream political party. As if phrasing is even an issue when we are discussing mass murder.


You are shocked because you are ignorant. I know of invasion and religious based murder and it is happening as much under the current government as it is under the previous governments. Britain supported military intervention against Khadaffi, thousands of people have been murdered in Lybia since because they are the wrong type of Islam. Britain supported intervention in Syria against IS, ignoring the fact that all the other parties are equally guilty of raising their particular flag in anger and kill hundreds of thousands of people because they didn't cheer along.


War is stupid, it always has been and always will be. Blair's decision was incredibly stupid, always is and always has been. But to state that Labour went to war with the goal of genocide is absolute and utter nonsense.

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Yes I do:




Quad erat demonstrandum - you are being unfair because you are inferring that Blair approved war in Iraq on the grounds of an undemocratic decision to commit genocide. The Nazis were not a democratic party and their goal was to exterminate Jews. Even the insinuation that Blair's goal was to exterminate Muslims is absurd and only designed to provoke incendiary responses.




You are shocked because you are ignorant. I know of invasion and religious based murder and it is happening as much under the current government as it is under the previous governments. Britain supported military intervention against Khadaffi, thousands of people have been murdered in Lybia since because they are the wrong type of Islam. Britain supported intervention in Syria against IS, ignoring the fact that all the other parties are equally guilty of raising their particular flag in anger and kill hundreds of thousands of people because they didn't cheer along.


War is stupid, it always has been and always will be. Blair's decision was incredibly stupid, always is and always has been. But to state that Labour went to war with the goal of genocide is absolute and utter nonsense.



Is war always stupid? Is there no situation in which it might be the lesser evil?

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Yes I do:




Quad erat demonstrandum - you are being unfair because you are inferring that Blair approved war in Iraq on the grounds of an undemocratic decision to commit genocide. The Nazis were not a democratic party and their goal was to exterminate Jews. Even the insinuation that Blair's goal was to exterminate Muslims is absurd and only designed to provoke incendiary responses.




You are shocked because you are ignorant. I know of invasion and religious based murder and it is happening as much under the current government as it is under the previous governments. Britain supported military intervention against Khadaffi, thousands of people have been murdered in Lybia since because they are the wrong type of Islam. Britain supported intervention in Syria against IS, ignoring the fact that all the other parties are equally guilty of raising their particular flag in anger and kill hundreds of thousands of people because they didn't cheer along.


War is stupid, it always has been and always will be. Blair's decision was incredibly stupid, always is and always has been. But to state that Labour went to war with the goal of genocide is absolute and utter nonsense.


I haven't said that. I am comparing actions not intent.


The Nazis were a democratic party


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 13:59 ----------


Yes I do:




Quad erat demonstrandum - you are being unfair because you are inferring that Blair approved war in Iraq on the grounds of an undemocratic decision to commit genocide. The Nazis were not a democratic party and their goal was to exterminate Jews. Even the insinuation that Blair's goal was to exterminate Muslims is absurd and only designed to provoke incendiary responses.




You are shocked because you are ignorant. I know of invasion and religious based murder and it is happening as much under the current government as it is under the previous governments. Britain supported military intervention against Khadaffi, thousands of people have been murdered in Lybia since because they are the wrong type of Islam. Britain supported intervention in Syria against IS, ignoring the fact that all the other parties are equally guilty of raising their particular flag in anger and kill hundreds of thousands of people because they didn't cheer along.


War is stupid, it always has been and always will be. Blair's decision was incredibly stupid, always is and always has been. But to state that Labour went to war with the goal of genocide is absolute and utter nonsense.


I haven't said that. I am comparing actions not intent.


The Nazis were a democratic party


The Nazis goal was to attack a weaker people and dispossessed them of their wealth. What do you think Blair's intentions were for lying?

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I suspect, getting back to the original title of the thread, there are a number of Conservative Party Members who have committed crimes as anyone can become a member for as little as £20.


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 14:13 ----------


Yup. No idea why supposedly intelligent people fail to grasp that.


I'd go as far as to say that the Tories are now much more the party of the working person than Labour. And that's not an endorsement of the Tories.


Do you not wonder why people who share your opinion generally are the same kinds of people who already have similar opinions about many parts of our world? Where as those of us who you say, fail to grasp your understand of the truth, are a miriad of peoples from all walks of life with varied opinions?


Could it not be that a certain way of thinking will make you see something that may or may not be there while those of us who do not think like you, see a more varied horizon?


Just a thought.

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