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Help Needed To Lose Weight With A Realistic Diet


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I need to lose at least two stone . Iv tired most diets including the low carb diet started off great lost weight but stopped going to the toilet saved money on loo rolls just not that much fun when conspitated .The calorie counting diet forgot to do the calorie counting bit. I have restricted mobility so can't start jumping up and down at the local gym. I try to eat healthy and I don't drink beer we parted company long ago though the Kit Kat's and single malts have got me in their grip. By short of stop eating Iv run out of ideas. I'm a man in his twilight 30s any ideas anyone?

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Hi Crookedspire. I've lost just over 8 stone through diet and to begin with gentle exercise. Have to say its well worth joining Slimming World. There really is no restrictions to what you can have (its quite easy to taper a recipe to make it slimming world friendly). Its not a low carb diet either and no calorie counting. If you're not comfortable joining a group check out my website (still under construction) http://www.missionskinny.com for meal and exercise tips. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.



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You can generally get a voucher for free joining (albeit in woman's mags but it's worth saving a tenner) then it's £4.95 a week to attend. It's really worth it. I have a full English for brekkie mornings - it's all about the way you prepare food. Xx

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I've found starting with small things helps, I'm trying to lose 3 stone of baby weight (promise its not all the choc I eat:)) So I have switched from sugar to sweetner, full fat milk to skimmed milk, white bread and pasta to brown etc. I also bought a george forman to help cook healthier. A typical day for me is porridge for breakfast with sweetner and a little honey, ham or egg salad for lunch with new potatoes and chicken pasta bake for dinner. I've tried to cut out all chocolate!!


Weight watchers do a no count diet where you get a list of foods which you can eat as much of as you want - along as they are not fried etc. You also get so many points per week for things like honey, cheese etc, so I now do this - but I eased into it gently by switching things out of diet first.

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  • 3 months later...

You looked into meal replacement shakes. High protein and nutrient shakes that replace a normal meal leaving you feeling full at very low calories.

I’d advise keeping at least on full meal each day though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iv gone Vegan and have lost weight feeling better than before not quite down to my target weight yet but a slow weight loss is better than a fast one. On YouTube their is a guy called Andrew Perlot he's a raw Vegan ( I'm not a raw Vegan but base some of my diet on his ideas) while I don't agree with all of his ideas but find the information on his videos helpful.

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Iv gone Vegan and have lost weight feeling better than before not quite down to my target weight yet but a slow weight loss is better than a fast one. On YouTube their is a guy called Andrew Perlot he's a raw Vegan ( I'm not a raw Vegan but base some of my diet on his ideas) while I don't agree with all of his ideas but find the information on his videos helpful.


good for you, i did Vegan for over 3 years but eventually i got hooked by the cheddar Demons.

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Just remember that a diet isn't something you do for a while and then stop. It's what you eat, so change it permanently, have smaller portions, reduce the amount of processed food, reduce the amount of sugar...

Exercise doesn't have to be jumping about at the gym, walk more if you can for example.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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