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Will the 2010's (2011 - 2020) be looked on as great years in 2040?

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yeah, ok, agreed. Which is why I qualified it with "Did nothing for me". I stand by that.

I'll throw that word in again .... subjective

there's no right nor wrong with anyone's opinion



The thread really is about more than music, and that's where I may be guilty - for having started a diversion


True, and for practically everybody replying the rule is simple: It is the decade you grew up in (as a teenager). There is a neuro-physical reason for this, it is when our brain is most perceptible (which is why we learn most during those years) so everything we like then will become more imprinted than things we like later.


My brother-in-law swears to the grave that the seventies were by far the best decade ever. I look at pictures from that time and the omnipresent brown and orange circle patterns on curtains, walls, ceilings, floors, doors, clothes, plant-pots, tables, chairs etc. and just have to laugh.

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You get it all the time, the 1990s were fantastic years, great music, great clubbing, housing cheap etc.....but is that the truth or are people just looking back at an era with rose tinted spectacles?


People look at the 1960s as if everyone was into free love, taking their clothes off, attending big concerts etc....however when I spoke to my granddad he never did any of those things because in his words "I was int chuffin steel works workint long shifts"


So the image of the 1960s is free love, but for many the reality was working int steel works if you lived in Sheffield


The 1990s everyone says its the last era when things were good, but is that true?


Are people from the 1990s looking back at an era with rose tinted spectacles?


Will the same be said in 25 years time about 2016?


Everyone things current times are awful but will people look back on this era as a great time?


Not really, for the average John Doe or Jane Doe. It was really deadly boring compared to now. I think the swinging and free love was concentrated on the arty wealthier side. That,s my observations of having lived through it. I think things got going a bit in the seventies and continued from there. I agree with people on here about the 90s and the 80s being good too.

Edited by spilldig
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.... that the seventies were by far the best decade ever. I look at pictures from that time and the omnipresent brown and orange circle patterns on curtains, walls, ceilings, floors, doors, clothes, plant-pots, tables, chairs etc. and just have to laugh.
yeah, and I pity those who posed for wedding photos etc in those days - big taches, long hair, flares, platforms, kipper ties etc etc. Looks laughable now rather than beautiful pictures
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yeah, and I pity those who posed for wedding photos etc in those days - big taches, long hair, flares, platforms, kipper ties etc etc. Looks laughable now rather than beautiful pictures


Or when it is your only baby picture :mad::help:


I kid you not, I am on a brownish blanket in front of a faded orange back-ground, wearing a brown jumpsuit style thing over a brown and beige top with a bright red/orange rubber ducky. Everybody says I look so cute....

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I agree with you, the 90's were the best, everything about this country has gone downhill rapidly since 2008 and it's hard to imagine things getting any better.


The world changed in 2008 and the ripples will continue for a long long time. By 2040 some of the youngsters on here will becoming very aware of it, as they need to access help and services that no longer exist, and have to work long into old age.

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The world changed in 2008 and the ripples will continue for a long long time. By 2040 some of the youngsters on here will becoming very aware of it, as they need to access help and services that no longer exist, and have to work long into old age.


Looks like the fun police have turned up. ;););)

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