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Working full-time, fined by government for going on holiday!

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I don't recall making any such claim.




What rule is there that a holiday should be 2 weeks and taken in a foreign country? Also tell people working full time and not in receipt of UV that this women, working part time and receiving universal credit, is somehow entitled to 2 weeks in Spain.


We have two scenarios here:


1 - If this woman could afford to take this holiday without the money she receives in UV, she does not need the benefit.

2 - If this woman cannot afford to take her Spanish 2 week holiday without the UV money, she is using it for the wrong purposes and those of us who do not receive benefits should not be paying for peoples holidays!




When I was unemployed they didn't not. If you had an interview at the time of your 2 weekly appointment, they rearranged it. Unless something has dramatically changed, which it appears it has not, this is not an issue.


---------- Post added 19-04-2016 at 14:17 ----------



Doesn't happen. Thats just conjecture and based on no experience or fact.



How do you know it doesn't happen? Can an employee dictate to the employer or the state when they have this interview?

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Does UC entitle it's repents to holiday pay?


I assume not, just like the ladies job at the rugby club probably doesn't.


Most employment entitles you to holiday pay, unless you are self employed.


---------- Post added 19-04-2016 at 16:40 ----------


I asked you a question Cyclone.


And you think you're entitled to an answer or something?

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The whole system sounds confusing, though it's a trial according to the article which would go some way to explain the confusion of it all both from the article and DWPs POV.


I can only assume that at some point the claimant agreed to turn up to meetings at the job centre as part of the claim for UC, she didn't so and her excuse wasn't accepted so was docked money.


I'm no expert on UC by any means, but a poke about online suggests meetings are fortnightly, so she should have only missed one but I'm sure that article says she missed two?


Regardless of that it does highlight a problem that the DWP don't consider a pre booked holiday as a valid reason for missing an appointment. Which seems silly.

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