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Working full-time, fined by government for going on holiday!

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Begrudging a 'hard working family' a holiday is very harsh, and says a lot about where this country has fallen to. It's about time ordinary hard working people in this country were treated with a bit of respect.


There used to be a time when if your hourly rate of pay was low you had to work 50/60 hours a week to afford an holiday abroad. Not sure that I agree with paying benefit so that people can afford to holiday abroad.

Edited by sutty27
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Those who think that this is where brexit is leading us should get reality check.

Whole thing is bureaucracy running wild.

That is exactly what EU is.

They aim to replace democracy with bureaucracy.

But I digress.

Whole thing is extremely stupid.

Some people peak at minimum wage job where they aren't even needed full time.

Maybe jobcentres should administer intelligence tests.

People with jobs below their intelligence level will be sent on courses or even uni while still working.

Stupid people will be allowed minimum wage jobs.

Stupidest of all will get immediate placement at DWP or jobcenter with position directly proportional to level of cluelessness.

King of idiots will be appointed Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Can't they just simply cut benefits instead of spending my money on such moronic exercises?

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There used to be a time when if your hourly rate of pay was low you had to work 50/60 hours a week to afford an holiday abroad. Not sure that I agree with paying benefit so that people can afford to holiday abroad.


A holiday abroad is often cheaper than holidaying in rip-off Britain...

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I wonder why?


Have you ever wondered why Greece or Spain was so cheap?


I don't think of Greece or Spain as particularly cheap, I think of Britain as particularly expensive, and I think that that's because people here have become greedy. And I think that's because of the example set from the top. It's becoming more and more every man for himself and rip off the punter to make as much money as you can get away with. Nearly Everything in this country is becoming over priced, but wages at the bottom end haven't kept up.


Billy Butlin used to say 'A week's holiday for a week's pay' and gave the working class a decent, value for money holiday at a reasonable cost, affordable to most.


However it seems that now you can just bung a fancy coffee maker in a BandB, call it a 'Boutique Hotel,' and double the price. Even the humble caravan in the middle of some Godforsaken rain soaked field can be beyond someone on minimum wage.

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A holiday abroad is often cheaper than holidaying in rip-off Britain...




Very cheap flights and very low wages paid to workers in many foreign holiday destination make them relativity cheap, but in general you will always be able to holiday in the UK cheaper than abroad.

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There used to be a time when if your hourly rate of pay was low you had to work 50/60 hours a week to afford an holiday abroad. Not sure that I agree with paying benefit so that people can afford to holiday abroad.


Nobody has suggested that it should or does.

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It clearly does if people claiming benefits can afford to holiday abroad.


should benefit claimants be banned from travelling abroad?


if a claimant is able to save money from their benefits shouldn't they be allowed to spend it as they like?

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