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Working full-time, fined by government for going on holiday!

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I know this because I know people on benefits and I know what I would get if ever I claimed benefits, and it is more than I would need.


So what are your circumstances then? partner, children, rent, mortgage or are you still living with 'Mummy'. You have obviously got either a lot of time on your hands or an excellent job.

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So what are your circumstances then? partner, children, rent, mortgage or are you still living with 'Mummy'. You have obviously got either a lot of time on your hands or an excellent job.


Its not a bad job and I can do it at the same time as talking to you.

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Why would I want to give out personal information to a total stranger?


Didn't think you'd answer that one (Mummy then). All I'm saying to you is YOU don't know this woman's full circumstances or anyone else's (Apart from all the people you know who are on benefits of course who are probably still living with their parents as well) and you are in no position to judge, like quite a few of the other posters on this and and other threads where bash the people on benefits is just a game.

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I think you should re-read them from my first post, not once have I claimed to know her full circumstance, its an incorrect assumption on your part.


I know you didn't claim that but your attitude is one of she's getting too much.

How do you know this without knowing her circumstances. Other posters have pointed that out to you but it hasn't sunk in has it? Why do you think you are in a position to claim that benefits are too high when you only have the benefit of your friends circumstances.

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I know you didn't claim that but your attitude is one of she's getting too much.

How do you know this without knowing her circumstances. Other posters have pointed that out to you but it hasn't sunk in has it? when you only have the benefit of your friends circumstances.


I'm in the same position as you, you obviously think benefits claimant deserve everything they get despite not knowing their circumstance, and I think they get too much despite not knowing their full circumstances. Why do you think you are in a position to claim that benefits aren't too high and that I am wrong?

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