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Working full-time, fined by government for going on holiday!

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The 'party of small government' is now fining full-time workers on Universal Credit for having a holiday http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/14/dwp-punishing-low-paid-full-time-workers-under-new-benefits-rule


She got a fine for missing appointments at the job centre, and they didn't accept her excuse as being acceptable. Strange system though where you have to go into the job centre and look for more work when you already have a job.


All the more reason to increase earnings and scrap the tax credit/UC system entirely.

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Begrudging a 'hard working family' a holiday is very harsh, and says a lot about where this country has fallen to. It's about time ordinary hard working people in this country were treated with a bit of respect.


welcome to a vision of the post-brexit uk

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