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50,000 anti-austerity march central London.

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Some do. Most don't. Most wealthy people pay a hell of a lot of tax. If you're a revenue employee you will know this.


Can you back that up? In terms of % tax burden what is the comparison between different income bands?


You seem to know so spill the beans......

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How many went on that anti Iraq war rally? A million wasn't it? Just proves that no matter how many people protest the a'holes in charge will still go ahead. Then appear on TV ten years later seeking forgiveness and "regretting" their actions.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:10 ----------



Then why do they keep registering their companies in the Cayman Islands? Seems a silly thing to do when all your business is in Britain....unless it's to avoid tax :suspect:


Everything with lefties is double standards. (I don't mean you so much , but just in general)


It's accepted and not argued that something like 50% of tax revenue is from the richest people. Why are these rich people bothering paying at all considering they are all rip off merchants?


If I was rich nowadays and Labour got in with all this 'get more money out of the rich' campaign, I'd be worried that my money was funding left-wing nonsense, and most probably transfer it somewhere else. (similarly why left-wing people with money would move their money if a real right-wing party gained control).


The more anti-government things I read about the Torys and tax avoidance makes me wonder why I stayed quiet and paid up mine when Labour were in. I supported nothing that they did. My stance is always consistent. The people have the power, and choose not to use it because it's easier not to.


How many of those protesters out of the 50k number cited, have a vodaphone? I bet it's at least 25%. Hypocrites. How many used Google or facebook to see if the protest was successful? I'd bet near 100%. Hypocrites.


If I was studying to show stats for things, like people do on here for their degrees, I'd do my essay in the percentage of hypocrites in these left-wing protests.

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Us plebs vote in a party that decides how much tax they pay, that is democracy for you ;)


65% of us who could be bothered to vote didn't want the Tories. When Labour were getting in after '97 it was the same.


Both parties have basically been like lapdogs to the rich and have done their bidding.


I'm kind of privileged to have been involved in situations at work where I've worked against companies that are intensely lobbying ministers and senior civil servants (our company was lobbying as well to be honest). Political lobbying is an extremely murky and dirty world at times. I can totally understand how the big firms get what their rich clients want: some senior civil servants are pretty dumb really. No scratch that, some of them are idiots.

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Us plebs vote in a party that decides how much tax they pay, that is democracy for you ;)


You didn't vote them in. But enough people, who knew what they were doing, did vote them in. The finances need sorting out after years of Labour mis-rule.

The Tories have raised the threshhold, so that the poorest pay very little tax indeed.

They have also encouraged people to pay more tax at the top end of the scale, by lowering the direct tax band to 40%.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:39 ----------


Can you back that up? In terms of % tax burden what is the comparison between different income bands?


You seem to know so spill the beans......


Quick google http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/tax/11233686/How-top-3000-earners-pay-more-tax-than-bottom-9-million.html immediately shows you.


The rich support the rest.


You've had this explained to you before, but you are too blind to see it.

And then you'll accuse me of bullying you. When you lose the argument. Again. :loopy:

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Everything with lefties is double standards. (I don't mean you so much , but just in general)


It's accepted and not argued that something like 50% of tax revenue is from the richest people. Why are these rich people bothering paying at all considering they are all rip off merchants?


If I was rich nowadays and Labour got in with all this 'get more money out of the rich' campaign, I'd be worried that my money was funding left-wing nonsense, and most probably transfer it somewhere else. (similarly why left-wing people with money would move their money if a real right-wing party gained control).


The more anti-government things I read about the Torys and tax avoidance makes me wonder why I stayed quiet and paid up mine when Labour were in. I supported nothing that they did. My stance is always consistent. The people have the power, and choose not to use it because it's easier not to.


How many of those protesters out of the 50k number cited, have a vodaphone? I bet it's at least 25%. Hypocrites. How many used Google or facebook to see if the protest was successful? I'd bet near 100%. Hypocrites.


If I was studying to show stats for things, like people do on here for their degrees, I'd do my essay in the percentage of hypocrites in these left-wing protests.


Yes, and I bet they had a Starbucks too while they were protesting :rant:

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Bitter hateful socialists, militant trade unionists, deluded students and left wing activists do not represent the majority of people in this country.

That is why those demonstrations get so little media attention ...... IMHO :D


As an aside, i don't even think they wear clean underpants.:gag:

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How many went on that anti Iraq war rally? A million wasn't it? Just proves that no matter how many people protest the a'holes in charge will still go ahead. Then appear on TV ten years later seeking forgiveness and "regretting" their actions.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:10 ----------



Then why do they keep registering their companies in the Cayman Islands? Seems a silly thing to do when all your business is in Britain....unless it's to avoid tax :suspect:


Its perfectly legal . Why pay more tax than you can get away with.

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You didn't vote them in. But enough people, who knew what they were doing, did vote them in. The finances need sorting out after years of Labour mis-rule.

The Tories have raised the threshhold, so that the poorest pay very little tax indeed.

They have also encouraged people to pay more tax at the top end of the scale, by lowering the direct tax band to 40%.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:39 ----------



Quick google http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/tax/11233686/How-top-3000-earners-pay-more-tax-than-bottom-9-million.html immediately shows you.


The rich support the rest.


You've had this explained to you before, but you are too blind to see it.

And then you'll accuse me of bullying you. When you lose the argument. Again. :loopy:


Income tax is only 35% of HMRC revenue. NICs and VAT are 43% of HMRC revenue.


That kind of busts the whole rich paying all the tax argument apart doesn't it, and exposes the income tax argument as a disingenuous piece of political propaganda. Only the right wing media would dare peddle it.


Now, back to the original question. What is the % tax burden by income band?


Go on, do a quick google ;)

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The rich support the rest.


Not necessarily this poster, but most people in general don't get this.


They just moan on things looked up on google, then post on facebook on their Apples or Vodaphones. Hypocrites. It's easier to type these things to the people in charge, rather than do someone active to the companies they despise so much. It's madness.


It would be an interesting experiment if all the top rich didn't pay tax anymore and see how long things last.


I contribute very little personally, because I don't earn much since losing my job (and even then was only paying a few grand). If every working person in the country paid as much as me, then all these protesters, along with most people, would have no public services, let alone the massive ones we have whether under stress or not... things like benefits/basic education and the NHS would be gone.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:56 ----------


Yes, and I bet they had a Starbucks too while they were protesting :rant:


Sarcasm or not? :hihi: Most probably :hihi:, or at the very least shouted at someone on NMW who served them a cold portion of fries.

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Not necessarily this poster, but most people in general don't get this.


They just moan on things looked up on google, then post on facebook on their Apples or Vodaphones. Hypocrites. It's easier to type these things to the people in charge, rather than do someone active to the companies they despise so much. It's madness.


It would be an interesting experiment if all the top rich didn't pay tax anymore and see how long things last.


I contribute very little personally, because I don't earn much since losing my job (and even then was only paying a few grand). If every working person in the country paid as much as me, then all these protesters, along with most people, would have no public services, let alone the massive ones we have whether under stress or not... things like benefits/basic education and the NHS would be gone.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 22:56 ----------



Most probably :hihi:, or at the very least shouted at someone on NMW who served them a cold portion of fries.


With all due respect your fawning deference for the rich is mildly nauseating.


They are living, working and operating in a country with a (mostly) progressive tax system. You pay what you can and they pay what they can. It's how a progressive tax system is designed. They know the rules.


You don't have anything to be grateful for. They aren't better than you. Never ever believe that they are.

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