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De La Salle College

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After reading all the threads on De La Salle the penny has just dropped on a mystery in my life at the age of 11years.One of threads about an incident that I couldn,t understand I posted over a year ago concerning why my parents would not let me take an art exam to become a pupil at De La Salle at the eleventh hour,my art teacher told my parents I would pass with my eyes shut no problem.My father had very bad experiances as a child attending a catholic school in the early 1900s he was beaten black and blue and never forgot it,but as a lot of parents in the 50s he would tell me nothing about his past life and the reasons for any decisions that he made concerning me.Only a couple of weeks ago talking over old times with one of my sisters she told me something our old boy once said "No child of mine will go to a catholic school!",everything dropped into place, at the time I was shattered art was the only thing I was any good at as a child.Our old man probably saved me from a miserable school life as I was rebellious and I would have been in trouble for sure,its only took 50 yrs to work it out,oh well!.:confused::huh:

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Extract from BBC News page, 21 Nov 2012.


"A Catholic teaching institute is liable for alleged physical and sexual abuse at a former boys' school, the Supreme Court has ruled.

Judges said the De La Salle Brotherhood was liable.

St William's, which looked after boys aged 10 to 16 with emotional and behavioural problems until it closed in 1992, had been owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough, but many of the staff were members of the De La Salle Brotherhood."


'Nuff said!

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If you want to read up how the law and criminal courts have viewed some more of the activities and failings of the Holy Brotherhood we all suffered under at Scott Rd (NB: the literal Spanish for Holy Brotherhood is LA SANTA HERMANDAD, aka the Spanish Inquisition) - then just select the BBC News Channel via Google and put in : Carragher. You will see how Brother Pervert was found guilty of sexually abusing his inmates, served his prison sentence, came out - and was then fully reinstated in his job as Headmaster by the holy male-virgin innocents who directed our own education. Carragher was then convicted again of the same offences - and is currently serving 14 years … Read all about it !!


The same holy male-virgin innocents who prayed for and forgave Carragher

have now been found guilty again of incompetence and stupidity - let us hope they have to pay punitive damages to their victims. There is not a lot of consolation for us in this too-late swoop by Justice - but at least our grandsons may be a bit better protected than we were …

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...Thanx, Ridgewalk....'nuff said, I think, on the negatve side.


Any road, you were there a decade after me, I would love to hear from anyone who was there in my time...'56-'60. The names escape me, except for a few.

Does "Stonehouse" ring a bell?

Or Woodhouse?


Paddy Moran?

Tony Barber?

Tony Spencer?

Jim Haines?

Pete Rich (Barnsley)?

There was a lad from Chesterfield, I remember, and one further pupil on my 'bus from Wombwell. This boy disappeared before second-form, and there was only the three of us for the duration....Can't for the life of me remember his name....used to slide into the 'bus-stop on his hob-nail boots.

Wonder what happened to him?


My email is jillnshaun@telus.net


hiya shaun,i was at DLS 55-61 and recognise some of the names you mention.in those days we seemed to stick with our mates from our hometown,mine was Rotherham.of the names you mention;Paddy Moran was from Doncaster and a member of the Waldron gang,i once had the gloves on with him(literially)in the gym ref by capt Wall because we were always at each other's throat ,the whole school looked on and cheered.Tony Barber i remember was DLS,s answer to Elvis.

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hiya shaun,I was at DLS 55-61 and recognise some of the names you mention.in those days we seemed to stick with our mates from our hometown,mine was Rotherham.of the names you mention;Paddy Moran was from Doncaster and a member of the Waldron gang, I once had the gloves on with him (literially)in the gym, ref. by Capt. Wall, because we were always at each other's throat. The whole school looked on and cheered.Tony Barber I remember was DLS's answer to Elvis.


....Thanx, Pat..I'd forgotten Waldron...used to get called his name by mistake.

Actually, I have found Tony Barber.....he is living in Toronto, still working...

We have exchanged a couple of emails, and had a catch-up by 'phone...easy-peasy for me, as I'm in B.C.:wave:


..........Anyone else ??

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....Thanx, Pat..I'd forgotten Waldron...used to get called his name by mistake.

Actually, I have found Tony Barber.....he is living in Toronto, still working...

We have exchanged a couple of emails, and had a catch-up by 'phone...easy-peasy for me, as I'm in B.C.:wave:


..........Anyone else ??


hi shaun,there are many i remember but to another matter.about 20 yrs ago my son was educated at Mount St Marys Spinkhill where i met another parent whom attended DLS although he was 3/4 yrs younger than i and that was a lifetime in those days.anyway he had a whole school photograph taken in 1959/60,i'm sure you must be on there.every now and then i take it out and have a chuckle(or a curse) to myself.its usually then that i can put a name to the faces.DLS pupils seem to have gone to the 4 corners of the world,is that because we hated S Yks or our education taught us to get away fast,best wishes, pat

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".....DLS pupils seem to have gone to the 4 corners of the world. Is that because we hated S. Yks., or our education taught us to get away fast....."



.....Personally, I emigrated to get away from Harold Wilson......also from my family :hihi:


...Hey!...don't suppose you would care to scan that photo, and email it to me, please? :blush:



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