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Forums will eventually go the way of newsgroups; an archive of useful material but the only active ones are those of a specialist nature.


Do newsgroups still go on? I thought they declined as they were only useful when the internet started up now we have lots of alternatives.

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I think it is sadly inevitable. A Forum can act like a social knowledge base. I know some Forums archive the material. It's accessible at a later date and can be referred to.


The SF is the only Forum I post on.I have no desire to post on or interest in social media like Facebook and Twitter. I would miss the SF if it closed.


I never understood the point of Twitter and never been overly keen on Facebook. The thing I like about this forum is the history section which often has been very helpful for hobby.

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Check out reddit it is ten years old and going from strength to strength, it is a forum with a modernised twist. What traditional vBulletin boards like this and many others need is to keep evolving.


SF seems to work because it has an active community of regulars; that's what is at the heart of every successful internet community.


The great thing about Reddit is it's not censored very much and allows debate but the bad thing about it is each subreddit has its own set of rules

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Do newsgroups still go on? I thought they declined as they were only useful when the internet started up now we have lots of alternatives.


They do, but are more 'underground' now. A lot of illegal downloads can be had there for example. The basic principles still go on though.


The great thing about Reddit is it's not censored very much and allows debate but the bad thing about it is each subreddit has its own set of rules


There is always a negative to a positive, but on the hole Reddit is an incredible source if you use it right. It keeps me right up to date with a lot of interesting areas for me.

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SF is very good in sharing local information. I log on every day to see if there is anything I need to know going on in Sheffield. It could be said I might get the same from local radio - but I just cant stand to listen to it.

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