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The Final Nail in the Coffin

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GDP isn't a very good measure of how well a country is doing, if we doubled our population tomorrow our GDP would increase and we would rise up that scale, that wouldn't make everyone better off though. In fact it is possible to increase a countries GDP whilst making the majority in that country poorer.


We also have less than 1% of the worlds population yet we pay out 7% of the worlds welfare payments, I would put money on the fact that you complain when benefits are cut.


When have I complained about benefits being cut? :huh:

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Oh god are we going back to the pointless word games again. How very very very tedious.


You made the error, I just pointed it out.


It isn't a word game, I post a series of words that make up a sentence, that sentence means what is says, it doesn't mean what you want it to mean. If you apply a meaning that is incorrect you should expect to be corrected.

Edited by sutty27
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Obviously if high levels of immigration made life better for everyone fewer people would be complaining about immigration. The bottom line is that most immigrants don't contribute enough to the economy to pay for the increased cost of them living here, this means the people already here get less than they would get if the immigrants weren't here. The way to solve this problem is an immigration system that is selective, one that brings in the people the country needs and rejects those that we don't need, but I would also make sure that we were not taking people from countries that have a greater need than we have. I wouldn't want foreign doctors if it leaves their own country short of doctors, in this situation we should invest in training our own doctors.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 13:35 ----------



GDP isn't a very good measure of how well a country is doing, if we doubled our population tomorrow our GDP would increase and we would rise up that scale, that wouldn't make everyone better off though. In fact it is possible to increase a countries GDP whilst making the majority in that country poorer.


We also have less than 1% of the worlds population yet we pay out 7% of the worlds welfare payments, I would put money on the fact that you complain when benefits are cut.


As part of any application for entry / leave to remain in the United Kingdom, migrants have to pay a fee known as the Immigration Health Surcharge in relation to NHS treatment :




On top of the application fee which can run into the thousands.


Additionally, for those migrants that don't enter legally but access the NHS, the government is starting to reclaim that money by billing for treatment.

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As part of any application for entry / leave to remain in the United Kingdom, migrants have to pay a fee known as the Immigration Health Surcharge in relation to NHS treatment :




On top of the application fee which can run into the thousands.


Additionally, for those migrants that don't enter legally but access the NHS, the government is starting to reclaim that money by billing for treatment.


Not applicable to EU migrants though, so not relevant to the discussion.

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True but it shows that immigrant do pay their way and EU migrants are entitled to NHS treatment as much as I'm entitled to travel freely throughout the EU


I haven't disputed the fact that under current rules they are entitled, and most migrants don't pay their way, they might contribute something but they still remain negative contributors.

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I haven't disputed the fact that under current rules they are entitled, and most migrants don't pay their way, they might contribute something but they still remain negative contributors.


Do you have any evidence to backup your claim?

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Do you have any evidence to backup your claim?


Do you have any that supports the idea that the majority pay more in tax than the benefits they receive from the state, benefits being everything they receive such as, tax credits, use of roads, NHS, education, ect.

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