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The Final Nail in the Coffin

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Let me correct you there, the EU demands a full 'liberal' democracy, accepting the UNHR declaration and so on. The EU is currently very annoyed with Erdogan for his continued persecution of journalists and interruption of free speech. If Turkey does not amend that attitude, there is no chance the EU will go beyond the current immigration deal, particularly because most EU states are pretty darned annoyed with Merkel's remarks on immigration.


This is exactly the sort of thing that will be tempered by the absolute majority principle that allows the council (heads of state) to dismiss proposals by the Commission. Having the UK as a partner will help this cause.


And? Goalposts can be moved. If I'd had been holding court in a pub in 1984 and said that in 20 years poland would be members of the common market and that the likes of Greece, France and Germany would all be using the same currency I'd be locked up. Times change, and they are changing very quickly.


And you're assuming a British PM wouldn't vote for it.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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And? Goalposts can be moved. If I'd had been holding court in a pub in 1984 and said that in 20 years poland would be members of the common market and that the likes of Greece, France and Germany would all be using the same currency I'd be locked up. Times change, and they are changing very quickly.


Especially in undemocratic nations that are clinging to pre-globalisation values, like Turkey. You have the EU to thank for that. It is only 20+ years ago that muslims got rounded up in Srebrenica due to some ridiculous civil war. No chance of that happening now as they line up to join the EU.


Progress is good, it is also driven by big global institutions, the EU being one of the largest influences.

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Here we go again. You misunderstand, as so many, what is being negotiated with Turkey. It isn't the same as the right to work in the EU, it is simply to take out the requirement of visas for travel.


It is also not Merkel negotiating, she is not President Merkel of Europe.


Stop believing all the nonsense you pick up on Facebook, Britain First and nonsense like that.


You keep believing that if you want.


Its time for Blighty to leave Billy Smarts European circus one and for all

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Especially in undemocratic nations that are clinging to pre-globalisation values, like Turkey. You have the EU to thank for that. It is only 20+ years ago that muslims got rounded up in Srebrenica due to some ridiculous civil war. No chance of that happening now as they line up to join the EU.


Progress is good, it is also driven by big global institutions, the EU being one of the largest influences.


But there is a cost, financially and, if you live Boston or spalding, culturally as well. Is it cost worth paying? Probably? Maybe?


Speaking of wars, the bit of bother in the Middle East will continue to be a bit of bother for 50 years. The whole EU army idea gains momentum and we'll need bases in the east and I don't mean Norfolk. Greece? Nah. Turkey? That would be handy!

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I don't understand how ordinary people can believe the rubbish they read from some rubbish source and then spread around because it appeals to them. Much less people fully agreeing and thinking that because they do they must be right.


Probably the same reason why some people believe the cobblers spouted by pro EU politicians.


Just because pro EU politicians tell us summat dosnt mean its true


---------- Post added 23-04-2016 at 22:43 ----------


to be fair, no one did more for european unification that dame thatcher and no one was more certain that britain should be in the centre of the us that dame thatcher either.


it's sad that some of her worshippers have forgotten that


In 75 we voted to join the common market, NOT a European union.

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That is funny, really it is. Because anybody educated in the subject matter would know that it was Britain's reluctance to grant Cyprus to Greece that caused the problem in the first place, not to mention there was a roughly equal amount of Turks on the island at the time when Cyprus wanted to leave Empire.


I'd say it had pretty much naff all to do with the EU and a hell of a lot with the UK, would you argue otherwise, emoticons or not?


None of the above changes the fact that you didn't know who Turkey had invaded. You have evidently just googled the subject in an attempt to hide your ignorance.


What it has to do with the EU is the impending discussion of Turkeys proposed membership, should they be allowed to join if they are still holding on to territory that belongs to a current member.


Please don't use masked swearing, I have edited your post in my quote as I wouldn't want my name next to such base behaviour. This is a family forum, if you dont like it please leave and allow the rest of us to have adult discussions without swearers and people like you who think it is ok to wind your finger next to your head to imply someone else has a mental illness. Many people reading this forum will struggle with mental illness every day of their lives, they don't need people like you mocking them and using their condition as an insult.

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None of the above changes the fact that you didn't know who Turkey had invaded. You have evidently just googled the subject in an attempt to hide your ignorance.


What it has to do with the EU is the impending discussion of Turkeys proposed membership, should they be allowed to join if they are still holding on to territory that belongs to a current member.

Blah blah ...


Now I didn't know anything about Cyprus, so I just googled, fairly certain the fact would show me that GB forcibly took the place from some one else, Y'know cos we've pretty much done that everywhere haven't we.


Two mins later...


so, Cyprus was a bargaining chip gained from the Ottomans for british help in regaining balkan areas, well the admin powers over Cyprus.

GB annexed cyprus when the ottomans took the central power side in ww1,


so GB ruled an island populated by greeks and turks,played them off against each other when convenient, 'left' it in the 60's,

greek/turks fight till the '74 turk invasion(in response to greek coup attempt) UN create a green line based on the old ceasefire line.



So I'm confused, because who does it belong to?

People have been living there for 11,000+ years and empire builders have been snatching it for most of that time.


And do you hold the same opinions about NI?

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What it has to do with the EU is the impending discussion of Turkeys proposed membership, should they be allowed to join if they are still holding on to territory that belongs to a current member.




Discussions about Turkey trying to join have been going on since 1987 nearly 30 years. Think youll find it isnt going to happen anytime soon and if you bothered to check what the OP is referring to then its not really about membership its about an agreement to deal with refugees. They arent joining any time soon, but I would think for discussions that are 30 years old the parties are quite aware what the issues are.


Rest of your post was hilarious, keep it up.

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Here we go again. You misunderstand, as so many, what is being negotiated with Turkey. It isn't the same as the right to work in the EU, it is simply to take out the requirement of visas for travel.


It is also not Merkel negotiating, she is not President Merkel of Europe.


Stop believing all the nonsense you pick up on Facebook, Britain First and nonsense like that.

That's all well and good, I appreciate that not everything you see and hear in the media is correct, but have you actually been to Boston lately? I have, and it's not nonsense to say that the character of the place has changed substantially over the last 5 years.

Nor can you say that hospitals, schools, and many other institutions are not very hard pressed at the moment. I can't see how 3 million extra immigrants (by 2020, gov figures,) is going to help...

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What I don't get here is this. There seems to be alot of people talking about the 'problems' of immigration and how coming out of Europe will solve this (less strain on our NHS etc).


But the last figures I saw (from an Oxford University study in 2013, from a study which ran from 1996 until 2013) suggested that of the top ten immigrant nationalities into Britain only four come from the EU (Ireland, Germany, Romania and Poland), the top immigrant nationality was India.


I'm undecided on which way I will vote but it seems to me that those using immigration as a reason to leave don't really know what they are talking about, it simply won't stop immigration.


I'm by no means an expert in the field, and things may have changed since the publication of the study I saw, but it really seems a bit silly basing an exit vote on immigration issues (which seems to be the prevailing reason amongst the people I've spoken to)


I'd personally like to know more from both parties before I cast my own vote.

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