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The Final Nail in the Coffin

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This is getting ridiculous. No, business is not working like that. But, you are clearly persistent to label me "one that taking jobs away from UK people", and there is not any rational argument for that.

So I am out of this pointless discussion.


The ridiculous notion is that you can offer a service that other people also offer without adversely affecting those other people.

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Seriously sutty? how is cleaning for people 'adversely affecting' them? Our cleaner has so many offers for work that it is ridiculous, if she felt like it and hired ten others she would find work for them. The fact that not more people are offering cleaning services in Sheffield means you should welcome Croat, (s)he is clearly filling a need in Sheffield.

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Seriously sutty? how is cleaning for people 'adversely affecting' them? Our cleaner has so many offers for work that it is ridiculous, if she felt like it and hired ten others she would find work for them. The fact that not more people are offering cleaning services in Sheffield means you should welcome Croat, (s)he is clearly filling a need in Sheffield.


It doesn't adversely affect the person having the cleaning done, but it does adversely affect others offing the same service.

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The inference was that Turkey invaded an EU state whilst it was an EU state, inaccurate, hence my initial reply. I didn't swear, I blanked it out. I am the stepfather of someone with severe autism, I don't think you'll find me mocking the mentally ill. Any other probing questions?


You stuck your tongue under your button lip, pointed one finger towards your temple and made a circling motion with your hand. This is a mockng depiction of someone with mental illness. I ask you to think of your wondeful and brilliant step child the next time you think it acceptable to behave in such a manner.


There was no inference of the sort, you didn't know that Turkey had settled Cyprus, which is fine. You are now trying to hide your ignorance by typing basic facts you have found about the situation.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 08:33 ----------


Of which there is a significant shortage, judging by the demand our cleaner has.


You can't judge the cleaning industry on how busy your cleaner is Sir. It's like saying "there's absolutely nothing wrong with the pub industry, my local was well busy last night".

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I missed this, thanks for providing an answer.


Liechtenstein is (still) considered to be in a transitional status. (Lord knows why, probably because of bank secrets and the like) but is expected to transition to full movement of people in the long term.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 10:38 ----------


You stuck your tongue under your button lip, pointed one finger towards your temple and made a circling motion with your hand. This is a mockng depiction of someone with mental illness. I ask you to think of your wondeful and brilliant step child the next time you think it acceptable to behave in such a manner.


There was no inference of the sort, you didn't know that Turkey had settled Cyprus, which is fine. You are now trying to hide your ignorance by typing basic facts you have found about the situation.


Whatever you say runningman1, whatever you say. If it makes you feel better than carry on believing just that.


You can't judge the cleaning industry on how busy your cleaner is Sir. It's like saying "there's absolutely nothing wrong with the pub industry, my local was well busy last night".


No, but you can judge whether there is work or not out there by knowing how many job-offers she gets and how many people enquire with you whether she is available. There is plenty of work out there, why should Croat not make a living out of that? Companies that go to the wall are companies that are run badly. Comparing it to the pub industry is a terrible analogy, that whole trade is changing. Cleaning is cleaning, people need cleaners and will hire cleaners, if the cleaner is no good they will hire another cleaner.

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There isn't a shortage of cleaning companies and the ones that don't get enough work or get undercut by competitors still go to the wall.


Maybe they just aren't good enough.


This 'taking away our jobs' argument really amuses me. People seem to view their fellow Brits with rose tinted specs.


As a student Ive worked in several low paid, long hours, manual and dirty seasonal jobs where I was nearly the only English person, all the rest were Latvian, Polish, Portuguese why, because no Brits were prepared to get their hands dirty.


These 'foreigners' worked hard, turned up day in day out, worked overtime when needed and didn't moan in English :). Why wouldn't you employ them?

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I missed this, thanks for providing an answer.


Liechtenstein is (still) considered to be in a transitional status. (Lord knows why, probably because of bank secrets and the like) but is expected to transition to full movement of people in the long term.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 10:38 ----------



Whatever you say runningman1, whatever you say. If it makes you feel better than carry on believing just that.




No, but you can judge whether there is work or not out there by knowing how many job-offers she gets and how many people enquire with you whether she is available. There is plenty of work out there, why should Croat not make a living out of that? Companies that go to the wall are companies that are run badly. Comparing it to the pub industry is a terrible analogy, that whole trade is changing. Cleaning is cleaning, people need cleaners and will hire cleaners, if the cleaner is no good they will hire another cleaner.


Liechtenstein is very unlikely to ever end its restrictions on the free movement of people.


Not all companies that go to the wall are run badly, too much competition in any area of business will mean some of those businesses fail. The limited number of people requiring a cleaning service means there can't be an unlimited amount of cleaners.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 11:38 ----------


Maybe they just aren't good enough.


This 'taking away our jobs' argument really amuses me. People seem to view their fellow Brits with rose tinted specs.


As a student Ive worked in several low paid, long hours, manual and dirty seasonal jobs where I was nearly the only English person, all the rest were Latvian, Polish, Portuguese why, because no Brits were prepared to get their hands dirty.


These 'foreigners' worked hard, turned up day in day out, worked overtime when needed and didn't moan in English :). Why wouldn't you employ them?


The fact that you worked there is evidence that some Brits are prepared to get their hands dirty, and I know plenty of others that are but aren't given the chance.


Its a fact that when the number of people looking for work increases, the number of people unable to find work will also increase unless the number of jobs opportunities increases at the same rate as the number looking for work.


Its also a fact that increasing the supply of available workers suppresses wages.

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Correct Croat, the notion that EU migrants come here for (frankly, very meagre compared to other EU countries) benefits is absurd. But it continues to be an element in this debate which is even more absurd.


I have never said they come for the benefits, which is absurd. Most are very hard working. They come with the best of intentions, but that is how some of them are inevitably going to end up. Then there are the wives and children, not on benefits but nevertheless adding to the strain on the NHS, housing, schools and services.


Can these overstretched services really accommodate another 3 million? And then more? Nobody seems willing to address this.

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