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BHS file for administration

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Have you been working for British Home Stores? Then you will be facing the loss of your job. It is important that you do not allow yourself to be labelled as unemployed. The fact is that you have had you livelihood taken from you by the cynical owners and incompetent executives of a long established company.


And never accept the suggestion that you are dependent upon jobseekers allowance – this is a lie constructed by the political class. You are in receipt of 'deferred remuneration'! You have paid your taxes, unlike Philip Green and his cronies, and those taxes are what funds the safety net for people in difficulties, needing medical treatment, social care support or who otherwise find themselves in need. And at present you are facing such need. So, essentially, you will be paying yourself during this difficult time in your life.


Note that Philip Green, a seasoned tax avoider, is not contributing to the social safety net that you will be relying on. You are in difficulties because of his disregard for your well-being, but he doesn't trouble himself to contribute to that safety net. It is only ordinary people, people like you and me that dutifully pay our taxes, who help each other in times of distress.


You are likely to find life difficult over the coming weeks and months. You really must not listen to the political rhetoric that blames the unemployed for their predicament. Keep strong! And remember that you are worth much more than the job you had. You are not just a worker, you are a person with dignity and intrinsic worth.

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I agree with Anna B he should be put in a room with all of the people who are going to lose their jobs. What has he offered to plug the gap in the pension fund £80 million and I think most of that is only a loan. Not much from a man who is worth over £3 billion.


He certainly new what he was doing, and he will probably carry living his luxurious life style. Can't say the same for the people who are going to lose their jobs.

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Have you been working for British Home Stores? Then you will be facing the loss of your job. It is important that you do not allow yourself to be labelled as unemployed. The fact is that you have had you livelihood taken from you by the cynical owners and incompetent executives of a long established company.


And never accept the suggestion that you are dependent upon jobseekers allowance – this is a lie constructed by the political class. You are in receipt of 'deferred remuneration'! You have paid your taxes, unlike Philip Green and his cronies, and those taxes are what funds the safety net for people in difficulties, needing medical treatment, social care support or who otherwise find themselves in need. And at present you are facing such need. So, essentially, you will be paying yourself during this difficult time in your life.


Note that Philip Green, a seasoned tax avoider, is not contributing to the social safety net that you will be relying on. You are in difficulties because of his disregard for your well-being, but he doesn't trouble himself to contribute to that safety net. It is only ordinary people, people like you and me that dutifully pay our taxes, who help each other in times of distress.


You are likely to find life difficult over the coming weeks and months. You really must not listen to the political rhetoric that blames the unemployed for their predicament. Keep strong! And remember that you are worth much more than the job you had. You are not just a worker, you are a person with dignity and intrinsic worth.


This is so right people!:thumbsup:


To the people of BHS: stick together, support each other, keep in touch, never forget and don't forgive. Become politically active, join like minded groups, and learn. Fight for a better system.

The next period of your life will no doubt be difficult. The whole benefits system is designed to humble and belittle you, to grind you down. Don't let it! You are in this position through no fault of your own. Stay strong, stay sane and remember you are better than this, and better than the scum who put you in this position.

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Note that Philip Green, a seasoned tax avoider, is.


You disgusting prole. He's SIR Philip, a pillar of the establishment. How dare you diminish him. By denigrating him you are calling into question the whole system of handing out titles, the peerage system, the House of Lords and the Monarchy.



I ought to have you horse-whipped you vile peasant.



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This is so right people!:thumbsup:


To the people of BHS: stick together, support each other, keep in touch, never forget and don't forgive. Become politically active, join like minded groups, and learn. Fight for a better system.

The next period of your life will no doubt be difficult. The whole benefits system is designed to humble and belittle you, to grind you down. Don't let it! You are in this position through no fault of your own. Stay strong, stay sane and remember you are better than this, and better than the scum who put you in this position.


They be better off going to the dole office together and exchange idea on how to get every penny they are entitle too

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If one is caught shoplifting then one can expect to be fined or locked up depending on the seriousness involved.

However it seems that if some one actually steals the entire shop or in the case of B.H.S the whole lot of them.. then one can live in mansions throughout the World or languish on ocean going yachts in Monti Carlo or any other of the rich playgrounds World wide.


It is a fact that the last two owners of B.H.S. have done just that stolen all the assets along with the shops and stashed away the money in foreign tax havens while avoiding any prosecution by the courts .

Whilst they sit back and enjoy the good life the ordinary workers at these companies can look forward to life on the dole.


This brings to mind the poem written in the 17th century .


The law locks up the man or woman

Who steals a goose from off the common

But leaves the greater villain loose

Who steals the common from the goose.


Capitalism at its finest int it.

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Great poem -- where did you find it?

It is called stealing the common from the goose.

My mother recited it to me in the early fifties when an unemployed bloke near us got two years for stealing coal in mid winter .

I have never forgoten it and quoted it a thousand time when i see the injustice in our system where the landowners and so called gentry get away with absolute murder while working people are fined or locked up for what may be wrong in the cold light of day but minor in the grand scheme of things.

I have just Googled the full poem it makes good sense .


---------- Post added 08-06-2016 at 14:34 ----------


How can you steal off yourself?

Read the facts behind the headlines .

Then come back and answer your own question

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