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BHS file for administration

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............ Agree :thumbsup: I'd love to see that.


But unfortunately you never will. Super rich people like Sir Philip Green never have to answer for their sins. No matter what they do, they are allowed to get away with it, so they can continue to fill their bottomless coffers.

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But unfortunately you never will. Super rich people like Sir Philip Green never have to answer for their sins. No matter what they do, they are allowed to get away with it, so they can continue to fill their bottomless coffers.


Hasn't he been asked to answer for himself before ministers?


Did he do anything illegal? For the record, I do not like the guy!!!

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Hasn't he been asked to answer for himself before ministers?


Did he do anything illegal? For the record, I do not like the guy!!!


I don't know if technically what he did was illegal.

He's not the first & won't be the last if we don't change things.

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I don't know if technically what he did was illegal.

He's not the first & won't be the last if we don't change things.


True. The UK government could remove a few tax loopholes for people like him. Build a few hospitals with the revenue, or save a steel works or whatever.

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Doesnt need a charter accountant to tell you . Wages ,over head, running cost is huge . If the shop is not selling much .It can loses millions weekly very easy,

the bose shop is tiny compare to bhs and rent for bose shop is over £150,000 a year

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Doesnt need a charter accountant to tell you . Wages ,over head, running cost is huge . If the shop is not selling much .It can loses millions weekly very easy,

the bose shop is tiny compare to bhs and rent for bose shop is over £150,000 a year


True. But green sold it fir £1 to a bankrupt racing driver with no retail experience

This was after he had stripped £580 million from the business.


He had no intention of finding a solution to keep the business running & saving those jobs.

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That the point in being a business man, you have to be smart and ruthless, don't you think green was pulling all the string behind the sense , to make as much money as possible from a falling business


And leaving public to pick up bill?

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That the point in being a business man, you have to be smart and ruthless, don't you think green was pulling all the string behind the sense , to make as much money as possible from a falling business


Make money for whom? He was already a billionaire. How much money does one man need?

Don't you think he has any responsibility to the people he employed, and their pensions?

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