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Working internships for adults - a good idea?

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Work isn't about money, its more about having a sense of self worth and being part of a community. When at a job interview people rarely say they are wanting a job for the money


Internships are being used for students so they can show an employer what they are capable of doing?


Would this be a good idea for adults?


It would give an adult the chance to show an employer what they can do.


I personally think its a good idea for other people, but admittedly I like to work for payment

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I think its an ok idea, but work trials are already used.


Hate to disagree wth you, but for most people money is the primary issue as they have a fmaily to look after and nills to pay. its noce to get job satisfaction, but a lot of peple work to live and not live to work.

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Work isn't about money, its more about having a sense of self worth and being part of a community. When at a job interview people rarely say they are wanting a job for the money


Internships are being used for students so they can show an employer what they are capable of doing?


Would this be a good idea for adults?


It would give an adult the chance to show an employer what they can do.


I personally think its a good idea for other people, but admittedly I like to work for payment



1/ I interview people on a regular basis. I'd say 90% of them do ask about pay/benefits.


2/ I have a friend who's 50 years old, he is roofer, and a damn good roofer at that. When worked dried up he came on this forum and offered his services for nothing to try and get his foot in the door. Some forummers didn't like this and gave him a lot of grief. He gave as good as he got, but cronyism got him banned.


3/ Working for nowt is open to abuse.

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I see no problem with, say. a week /month's trial period. But at the end of that time the person should be paid whether their services are retained or not.


Anything otherwise is exploitation and open to abuse.




Why would it be open to abuse?

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Why would it be open to abuse?




What's to stop an unscrupulous employer employing a continuous stream of free 'interns' for a month at a time?


This has been a problem with various government schemes in the past, particularly the hotel and hospitality trade. Naive to think it couldn't /wouldn't happen again. Free labour is very tempting to some employers.

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