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Would you forgive your cheating partner?

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i forgave my husband more than once and he still cheated over and over but now im divorcing him im much better than him he left me to be worse off i have everything he left with nothing as soon as he walked out his belongings were at the charity shop lol best thing i ever did :-)

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my ex once cheated on me, we had a child so i forgave him, then we split up for good after he cheated once more, or to what i thought was once more.... turned out he was a serial cheat! now im married to a fantastic man and he knows if he cheated and i mean even so much as a kiss he would be out! no questions asked, no begging for forgivness... just out! if you are his/her everything they wouldnt cheat in the first place, no excuses!

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I'd walk away... Plenty more people who would give their right arm to be with me :D

Question. Not relevant to the thread. I have just quoted "twinkle" and the post above but other people have quoted same post and it has the name "caprice" on it. What happened am i missing summat here??

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Cheating has such a bad name, so much so it's even called cheating. If people were honest with each other in the first place, there wouldn't be any need to "cheat". We have such high unrealistic expectations of our partners it's just silly. If you think that you will totally satisfy all of your partners sexual desires and fantasies forever then you almost deserve to be cheated on. And so to answer the question, I would forgive my "cheating" girlfriend as long as she practiced safe sex. In reality if she wants to stay with me but have the odd encounter with someone else, good on her for telling me and I'll look forward to hearing all about it. How erotic and exciting. And of course, it works both ways. A little refreshing truth.

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If you knew your partner had cheated o nyuo would you forgive them or would you walk away?


If your "partner" wants sex they should go and get it however they want it and with whoever they want it.


The only considerations should be the clap,pregnancy and other related articles,as for sexual jealousy,that shouldn't be a consideration.

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If your "partner" wants sex they should go and get it however they want it and with whoever they want it.


The only considerations should be the clap,pregnancy and other related articles,as for sexual jealousy,that shouldn't be a consideration.


I disagree. I never cheated on any of my partners. I had too much respect for them and myself.

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i left him. i found out my x was cheating on his gf of nearly 10 yrs with me when he rang me from ther house to say he was leaving her 4 me ( shocked to say the least) he went back to her, but me and her started talking when he tried to come bk to me i arranged for him to come round, also got his gf and kids to be ther when he turnd up he didnt know wher 2 look it was classic told him ther and then to never come bk he tried a few wk later but i had allready met some1 else and had heads up off his gf that he might be comming round that was 4 year ago and the fool still tried to add me on facebook bout 5 month ago how many times do some pp need to be told

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i would walk away and would not take them back under any circumstances, once they have done it once they will do it again. a leopard never changes its spots.


I used to think this myself. I just wanted to point out that nothing is ever black & white.

Edited by sixer
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