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Or turn fifty and realise that no one seems to want to employ me regardless of qualifications and how well I did at school.


Not technically correct, but it is an issue. By "No one" you mean no one in your profession. There are jobs, just not as high paid using the skill set you have built up. B&Q have a policy of employing older people. John Lewis have a similar attitude.

Edited by Berberis
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Some people don't have much choice. If you wasted your time in education, you can't be picky with what job you take.


Mess about for 5 years in school = boring, low paid job for at least 40 years.


I hate this attitude.


You can throw books at people till the cows come home, some people just aren't academically gifted. Could you carve the statue of David if I gave you a lump of marble, 5 years and chisel? Play for England if I give you football for long enough?


I must be great sat on mount awesome. Good job.

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I hate this attitude.


You can throw books at people till the cows come home, some people just aren't academically gifted. Could you carve the statue of David if I gave you a lump of marble, 5 years and chisel? Play for England if I give you football for long enough?


I must be great sat on mount awesome. Good job.


You are confusing talent with education. One is not the other, however to obtain a basic level of education that would allow you to traverse an employment ladder only takes an interest to learn, not some god given talent only a few have.

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Some people don't have much choice. If you wasted your time in education, you can't be picky with what job you take.


Mess about for 5 years in school = boring, low paid job for at least 40 years.


Getting poor results from school isn't always down to messing about or nor working hard whilst at school, and poor results don't = boring, low paid job for at least 40 years.

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Getting poor results from school isn't always down to messing about or nor working hard whilst at school, and poor results don't = boring, low paid job for at least 40 years.


There are always exception to every rule, but of all the kids who messed about and didn't take their education seriously that I knew, they all ended up in dead end jobs.


However, I believe that ALL children have the potential for education and I wouldn't pigeonhole a child like some would, purely as an excuse to fail them.

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There are always exception to every rule, but of all the kids who messed about and didn't take their education seriously that I knew, they all ended up in dead end jobs.


However, I believe that ALL children have the potential for education and I wouldn't pigeonhole a child like some would, purely as an excuse to fail them.


Believing something doesn't make it so, our cognitive ability is determined by our DNA, this means some kids will do well in school and some won't, our education system also operates a one system fits all and that leaves some kids without an good standard of education, but that doesn't mean they will end up in jobs they hate or dead end jobs that pay very little.

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some people who have a very expensive private education and leave with very good qualifications can proceed to pee their career up the wall and end up in dead end jobs or out of work.


Others who had little education and have no qualifications can proceed to learn at shop floor level, become management and/or set up their own successful businesses.


Nobody's DNA puts them in a box as to what they career aspirations are. EVERYBODY has an opportunity in their lives to make their own career and own lifestyle choices.


Crybabies jealous of other people's success sit there making excuses. The rest of society get on with their lives.


---------- Post added 25-04-2016 at 13:28 ----------


I rather be on dole for rest of my life then working in that type of job


Well then you deserve to have your dole cut until you grow up and learn that the state does not owe you a lifestyle.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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