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Hillsborough Inquest Verdicts Returned

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Many thanks for all your fishing attempts today.

I've been around the forum long enough to know what happens when people bite.


To the people of Sheffield - who worked in pubs near to the stadium on the day

To the people of Sheffield - who lived close by to the stadium

To the people who worked for the ambulance service who attended on the day

DON'T bother posting what you saw on here.

The second you do, this thread gets canned


There are other outlets for your viewpoints and one's which aren't censored by what people are willing to accept as fact.. even though, it's horrific at times in nature to witness.


Yes, don't bother to post what you saw...just point us to your testimony from the inquest. It will all be in the public domain shortly.

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Not having a pop at anyone Medusa - I value your input on it :thumbsup:

I just find the fishing attempts at people to post a viewpoint that is any way honest about the day, to have the thread closed a bit distasteful in my eyes.


That's why social media was invented.


Opinions can be questioned. I have not seen a single example of what you call fishing. Can you?

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I'm not in the habit of biting to have threads closed thanks :thumbsup:

Of course it will I'm sure and I'll hold my breath until that point when EVERYTHING is revealed....


Posters calling you out for unfounded statements is not fishing. You are hiding from genuine questions.


---------- Post added 26-04-2016 at 14:00 ----------


The structural engineers branded as partly responsible for the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans at Hillsborough have apologised for their role in the tragedy.




We fully respect the inquest’s findings and will study them carefully. We have fully supported and followed the inquest and all inquiries from the outset.


We would like to say sorry on behalf of the company at that time and to add our deepest sympathies to all those affected by this tragedy.

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It could be a year before any charges are brought relating to the Hillsborough disaster, investigators said.


Investigations conducted by Operation Resolve, which is examining the preparation for the FA Cup semi-final and the events on the day, and the IPCC investigation, which is focused on police actions in the aftermath of the disaster are not expected to finish until the end of the year.


Once the enquiries are complete files will be passed to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which could take between three and six months to make a decision on charges.

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I was outside the ground on that day. I saw some horrible things, but I know that what I saw was not the whole picture. My image didn't include any of the 'how' or 'why' answers, and I don't imagine that any single person was aware of those answers at the time either. Even the senior police crowd management team would be unaware of some of the answers at the fateful moments.

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I'm not in the habit of biting to have threads closed thanks :thumbsup:

Of course it will I'm sure and I'll hold my breath until that point when EVERYTHING is revealed....


If you have evidence Liverpool fans caused the disaster and didn't present it to the inquest you can't call it a whitewash can you? By withholding evidence you are holding the brush!

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We will always go down in history and lore as the city where 'it happened'

It's been that way for many many years.. and I don't think it's just me that's sick of it.


Sheffield is where it happened, but to say that when you mention Sheffield to football fans they instantly think Hillsborough, is pushing it a bit. Like I said, Mention Hillsborough to them and you may get a more "Hillsborough disaster" related response.

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I was 6 years old when this happened. Wondering if 'daddy' was coming home. I did not fully comprehend what had happened that day. But my dad saw a lot. He was never the same again.


He told me stories of what he saw that day and it still chills me thinking about it. Whatever our personal opinions are there is a very certain fact 96 people did not live.


For the respect of the 96 I tip my hat and will not say more but RIP at today's decision.

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Pete, that is a strawman and you know it. Nobody has ever said the fans formed an orderly queue, nobody has ever claimed their behaviour was exemplary, orderly or even uniformly nice. What has been proven by reviewing the available evidence is that they did not cause or even contribute to the disaster.


If you do not want to believe the evidence or the findings of those that have adjudicated upon it do you have the courage to ask yourself why?


Why would anybody believe something for which there is no evidence?


No...It's simply my dispassionate view, having never posted before about this subject. I just find it somewhat difficult to comprehend that the crowd there on that awful day were utterly blameless, and contributed absolutely nothing to what unfolded.


Yep I accept that the jury exonerated them after hearing all the evidence...But not even just the tiniest responsibility?...


But of course my 'take' on it means nothing, I know...


But in the grand scheme of things, if there weren't hooligans attending football matches, there would have been no need for fences or pens!...

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I would like to know if there could ever be any evidence that would change the minds of those who blame the fans regardless?


The reputation of their fans at the time due to being a successful club does not help. They did it up and down the country, wherever Liverpool played. Yet they were all good boys and girls that fateful day...

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