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What are those little black cameras popping up everywhere?

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We are having new black street lights, fair enough but there are also little black cameras attached to them.


What is the purpose of these cameras?


What are they?


Sheffield seems to have loads popping up, and they are appearing on the new black lamposts

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We are having new black street lights, fair enough but there are also little black cameras attached to them.


What is the purpose of these cameras?


What are they?


Sheffield seems to have loads popping up, and they are appearing on the new black lamposts

I'd have thought it to be some kind of light (or lack of) switch that turns the light on when the light diminishes to a certain level. Maybe one lamp post controlling several others?

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We are having new black street lights, fair enough but there are also little black cameras attached to them.


What is the purpose of these cameras?


What are they?


Sheffield seems to have loads popping up, and they are appearing on the new black lamposts


New big brother legislation being imposed upon us plebs.

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I'd have thought it to be some kind of light (or lack of) switch that turns the light on when the light diminishes to a certain level. Maybe one lamp post controlling several others?


Yeah. In the old days they all ran on individual timers which each lamppost had to be changed in line with GMT/BST but now they are controlled by light.

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These? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/01/29/251F1E4D00000578-2930654-image-a-88_1422490771080.jpg


Police Automatic Number Plate Recognition


These record number plates of every passing vehicle, then store information to ‘help detect, deter and disrupt criminality at a local, force, regional and national level’.


Records can be accessed for up to two years.


If a vehicle is of interest to police, officers monitoring it can order a patrol car team to stop the driver and, if necessary, make an arrest.


Locations: Widespread.

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Now when your car gets nicked the police can tell you it tore around town and then drove down the parkway, past 2 sleeping coppers and off onto the M1.


Isn't technology wonderful.


They also know exactly where everyone has been. That's not so worrying with our current relatively benign government, but if ever our government turned more oppressive then we'd have a lot to be scared about.

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They also know exactly where everyone has been. That's not so worrying with our current relatively benign government, but if ever our government turned more oppressive then we'd have a lot to be scared about.


It's not worrying with our current relatively benign governmentso long as you don't do anything to disrupt the establishment - intentionally or not.


We learnt learnt today that the police have been keeping senior members of the Green Party under surveillance. We can assume that will include their detailed movements from ANPR surveillance.


And we know that the police will misuse the things available to them whenever it suits them. I'm thinking of the way they raked through the Police National Computer and carried out blood alcohol tests to try and discredit the 96 people they unlawfully killed at Hillsborough. And we know they continued that lie right into the most recent enquiry so we cannot say the problem is in the past.


The only way to prevent such misuse is to not give them tools with which they cannot be trusted. That is, don't create a database logging everyone's movements in the first place...

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