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Voluntary work..I do..Do you?

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Anyhow, what do you get up to?


I am a volunteer at my local train station, a station adopter, they are called. Got a letter last week saying that my services are no longer required. I need to follow it up, and send them an email.

Before we volunteered, the station was 100% weeds, it now a little more colourfull and tidier. We did get a free train pass, for some safety checks every week.

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On a voluntary note....if anyone is by any chance a carpet fitter around S8 we need a carpet sticking back down at our community sports club. We've done it ourselves and not been successful...I thought we just glued it back and all would be well, but it seems not lol!!!!! I think it's a case of every man to his trade isn't it??? If anyone has half an hour to have a go for us we'd be really grateful!! Please ring 0114 2373216, thanks!

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I'm trustee of 2 charities at the moment, one local, one national. have been a school governor and have sat on 5 charity boards up to now. I've worked in charities for years so management is one of my strengths. I prefer the tough jobs (intellectually speaking rather than physically as I'm disabled now) and tend to work with failing charities to turn them round, then I move on when my work is done. Up to now I've stopped 2 going into administration.

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We do a fair amount of work pro-bono for the Company of Cutlers and Sheffield Library, and sometimes Leeds Library as well.


If you've ever attended an IP clinic at either Library, that was me or one of my colleagues you were speaking with. Same if you've ever applied to include 'Sheffield' in your company name.


I'd like to do more, in completely different field(s) for a change of scenery/air...but objectively I just don't have the time these days.

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I sometimes cut the old lady's ('One Tooth', as I affectionately call her behind her back) hedge and lawn a few times a year … especially if I know she's just collected her pension. I also do other work (counselling sorta stuff) for people with problems totally FOC. People help me, I help others … makes the world a better place. :)

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I volunteer with an organisation called Action for Stannington which is an environmental group that attempts to keep Stannington and its immediate neighbourhood clear of litter and generally looking clean.


We look after the park and flower troughs dotted around as well as doing regular litter picks - feel free to contact me if you'd like to help.


I'm also a volunteer with the Labour Party, I try and keep the electorate informed of what's happening locally, organise members' meetings and try and cajole people into donating raffle prizes as we have very little income otherwise.


You do a great job in Stannington, thank you max

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I spend two or three days per week volunteering in a charity shop, having responsibility for books, CDs and DVDs. I also do all the banking and handle all the eBay sales, although there have not been many of those recently. This is my way of giving something back to a charitable organisation which helped me out many years ago.


I also spend one day per week (and sometimes more) volunteering on a preserved railway. I am the regular train guard and try to keep the station gardens in order. When we are not running passenger trains I can be found working on the Permanent Way or helping to sort out donated goods in the shop. I also look after the railway's website and until the end of last year was the magazine editor.

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