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Naz Shah suspended from Parliament for anti Jewish rants.

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So is the Haavara agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933 a conspiracy theory. :huh:


HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods.



I am going to say something that you might not like.


I think anybody who tries to claim that the Haavara Agreement supports the idea that Hitler supported Zionism is either


1. An anti-Semite; or

2. Somebody ignorantly repeating the claims of anti-Semites.


The Haavara Agreement does not support the claim that Hitler was a Zionist, and it is a clear lie if you know the contents of Mein Kampf or have any measure of historical awareness.


Besides, in mentioning the Haavara Agreement as a defence for his comments, how exactly does Livingstone think it can vindicate him in endorsing Naz Shah’s comments   suggesting the mass deportation of Jews to America? It's oxymoronic.


Occams razor as always. I think Livingstone is an anti-Semite.

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claim that Hitler was a Zionist,


Who said that he was a Zionist?


Supporting something doesn't make you part of it, it doesn't even mean you like it, it might simply mean that supporting it results in something you want.

Edited by sutty27
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I can't see what was antisemitic either.


The anti-semitic bit was in his interview with Vanessa Feltz when he said being Anti-semitic wasn't racist.

Interesting coming from someone who claims Islamaphobia is racist.


---------- Post added 30-04-2016 at 16:38 ----------


I am going to say something that you might not like.


I think anybody who tries to claim that the Haavara Agreement supports the idea that Hitler supported Zionism is either


1. An anti-Semite; or

2. Somebody ignorantly repeating the claims of anti-Semites.


The Haavara Agreement does not support the claim that Hitler was a Zionist, and it is a clear lie if you know the contents of Mein Kampf or have any measure of historical awareness.


Besides, in mentioning the Haavara Agreement as a defence for his comments, how exactly does Livingstone think it can vindicate him in endorsing Naz Shah’s comments   suggesting the mass deportation of Jews to America? It's oxymoronic.


Occams razor as always. I think Livingstone is an anti-Semite.


This is what the Labour Party is up against..Just listen to this drivel.



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The anti-semitic bit was in his interview with Vanessa Feltz when he said being Anti-semitic wasn't racist.

Interesting coming from someone who claims Islamaphobia is racist.


Ken Livingstone didn't say that Anti-semitic wasn't racist.


He said that Naz Shah is not anti-Semitic.



“She’s a deep critic of Israel and its policies. Her remarks were over-the-top but she’s not antisemitic. I’ve been in the Labour party for 47 years; I’ve never heard anyone say anything antisemitic. I’ve heard a lot of criticism of the state of Israel and its abuse of Palestinians but I’ve never heard anyone say anything antisemitic.



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Who said that he was a Zionist?


Ken Livingstone


Supporting something doesn't make you part of it, it doesn't even mean you like it, it might simply mean that supporting it results in something you want.


Yes it does.


Like supporting Sheffield Wednesday makes you a Owls fan, supporting equal rights for women make you a feminist, or supporting the Liberal Democrats make you a Lib Dem.


In the 1930's supporting the idea for the creation of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel would make you a Zionist. You didn't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.


This is precisely what Ken Livingstone was suggesting. That a man who was single-handedly responsible for the murder of millions of Jews, was somehow trying to help their cause. It's an anti-Semite lie.


This lie has spread like a virus on the extreme right, and extreme left, for many years on the back of Lenni Brenner's book.


The fact that this lie slipped out of Livingstone's lips shows how the racism of the far-left has spread into the mainstream left.

Edited by milquetoast1
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Ken Livingstone




Yes it does.


Like supporting Sheffield Wednesday makes you a Owls fan, supporting equal rights for women make you a feminist, or supporting the Liberal Democrats make you a Lib Dem.


In the 1930's supporting the idea for the creation of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel would make you a Zionist. You didn't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.


This is precisely what Ken Livingstone was suggesting. That a man who was single-handedly responsible for the murder of millions of Jews, was somehow trying to help their cause. It's an anti-Semite lie.


This lie has spread like a virus on the extreme right, and extreme left, for many years on the back of Lenni Brenner's book.


The fact that this lie slipped out of Livingstone's lips shows how the racism of the far-left has spread into the mainstream left.


And lets not forget he has form.



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Ken Livingstone




Yes it does.

I have quoted his words and he most definitely does not.



Like supporting Sheffield Wednesday makes you a Owls fan, supporting equal rights for women make you a feminist, or supporting the Liberal Democrats make you a Lib Dem.


If supporting Zionism makes you a Zionist, then supporting women would make you a women, supporting men you make you man, supporting a dogs would make you a dog.




In the 1930's supporting the idea for the creation of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel would make you a Zionist. You didn't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
No it wouldn't.



This is precisely what Ken Livingstone was suggesting. That a man who was single-handedly responsible for the murder of millions of Jews, was somehow trying to help their cause. It's an anti-Semite lie.


The Haavara Agreement was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933.


What's this then.



This lie has spread like a virus on the extreme right, and extreme left, for many years on the back of Lenni Brenner's book.


The fact that this lie slipped out of Livingstone's lips shows how the racism of the far-left has spread into the mainstream left.


What lie?

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I have quoted his words and he most definitely does not.





If supporting Zionism makes you a Zionist, then supporting women would make you a women, supporting men you make you man, supporting a dogs would make you a dog.




No it wouldn't.





The Haavara Agreement was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933.


What's this then.





What lie?


So John McDonnell has got it all wrong then?


What a shambles of a party. Can't even get the cover story right, but please keep digging.:thumbsup:



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I still do not understand how saying Israel should be moved to America is anti Jewish.


The comment seems to be highlighting the hypocrisy of American foreign policy in the Middle East.


A lot of people forget that the Palestinians are also semites, and therefore the oppression and racism perpetrated against them by Israel makes Israel the most anti semitic of all.


These days it seems fine for the mainstream media and politicians to criticize Muslims any chance they get but any mention of Israel by someone in public office and they are forced to apologise for racism. Even though Israel is not a race or even a religion. Its a nation which came into existence at the expense of the local inhabitants which it has been killing and oppressing ever since.


Here's a bit of food for thought. Imagine if Donald Trump had said ban all Jews instead of ban all Muslims. Would he still be running for the presidency, I think not!

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