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Naz Shah suspended from Parliament for anti Jewish rants.

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How many times has the public decided that they didn't want Farage to represent them as their MP, is it 8 times now? :hihi:


Look to the future not the past. Tories are fragmenting, Labour is now toxic, the Lib Dems a joke and the Greens moving to Corbyn...


He has been influential, he got the referendum and UKIP are on 20% they're highest ever polling.


The future is bright, the future is purple :D


Even if he never gets elected he's changed British politics for the better.

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I'm no kipper, to be sure, but I have to admit that Farage has changed politics for the better in some respects.


The last general election results proved beyond doubt that our future lies with PR and coalition governments. If we had had PR back then, UKIP would have commanded a much fairer portion of parliamentary territory today.

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Maybe you missed the 2011 referendum. If you did happen to be asleep while that bad-tempered campaign was going on, then maybe you ought to be made aware of the result, which was the overwhelming rejection of PR by the voters.

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Maybe you missed the 2011 referendum. If you did happen to be asleep while that bad-tempered campaign was going on, then maybe you ought to be made aware of the result, which was the overwhelming rejection of PR by the voters.


Actually, PR (Proportional representation) is not what was on offer in that referendum, it was the AV (Alternative Vote) system.


Clegg wanted it to be PR, but the Tories wouldn't allow that in a month of Sundays, so as a compromise they agreed to go with AV.

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  • 1 year later...

I am given to wonder what it is that the woman said that is so wrong.


israel was created largely through US and UK influence following WW2. I wont expand on my thinking about that, as the associated can of worms will doubtless deeply offend some of the ignorant and sidetrack the current thread..


israel was created by taking land away from other people. Due to the circumstances of isreal's creation and the general history of the middle east, especially in and around jerusalem, there will never be any hope for peace there whilst ever the world has religion, or more than one unifying belief.


Had the US created the country israel on land from within it own borders there would certainly be less cause for conflict in the middle east though how well it would have gone down with some americans is another matter.


To be frank I am only really concerned about what uk mps say or do when it affects this country and its nationals that are within its borders.

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I am given to wonder what it is that the woman said that is so wrong.


israel was created largely through US and UK influence following WW2. I wont expand on my thinking about that, as the associated can of worms will doubtless deeply offend some of the ignorant and sidetrack the current thread..


israel was created by taking land away from other people. Due to the circumstances of isreal's creation and the general history of the middle east, especially in and around jerusalem, there will never be any hope for peace there whilst ever the world has religion, or more than one unifying belief.


Had the US created the country israel on land from within it own borders there would certainly be less cause for conflict in the middle east though how well it would have gone down with some americans is another matter.


To be frank I am only really concerned about what uk mps say or do when it affects this country and its nationals that are within its borders.


There are even older threads to resurrect. :confused:

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