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Naz Shah suspended from Parliament for anti Jewish rants.

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I am given to wonder what it is that the woman said that is so wrong.


israel was created largely through US and UK influence following WW2. I wont expand on my thinking about that, as the associated can of worms will doubtless deeply offend some of the ignorant and sidetrack the current thread..


israel was created by taking land away from other people. Due to the circumstances of isreal's creation and the general history of the middle east, especially in and around jerusalem, there will never be any hope for peace there whilst ever the world has religion, or more than one unifying belief.


Had the US created the country israel on land from within it own borders there would certainly be less cause for conflict in the middle east though how well it would have gone down with some americans is another matter.


To be frank I am only really concerned about what uk mps say or do when it affects this country and its nationals that are within its borders.

Its like what Ken Livingstone said, he only stated a historical fact

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I think this is who was on a programme I watched earlier (recording) about that lass from Bradford who was murdered in an honour killing in Pakistan last year, and I thought she was really good dealing with it. I'd expect a good MP to do something.

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israel was created largely through US and UK influence following WW2. I wont expand on my thinking about that.



perhaps that would be a good thing, as it is obvious that you haven't got the first clue about the historical flow of events that led to the creation of Israel - and especially the USA part, as the the USA had almost nothing to do with it at all.


As for the UK, by the time they left Palestine, having had a very trying time there, for the most part they couldn't care less whether an Israel would be created or not. They had basically washed their hands of the whole business, and of course the smart money was that the Arabs would win, and that the Jews would lose the 1948 war anyway. To most outsiders it looked like the Arab armies would overwhelm the Israelis quite easily in 1948. Nobody, not the USA, not the UK, not anybody, supported Israel in the 1948 war which created Israel. Israel got absolutely zero international support from anyone.


That Israel was some kind of 'gift' bestowed by the USA, UK, UN etc you hear often, and it is one of the big misconceptions concerning the creation of Israel. The fact is that Zionist Jews in what they think of as having been an anticolonial 'liberation struggle', established their self-determination in what they think of as being their historic homeland pretty much all by themselves. They got almost no outside help worth mentioning from any foreign power.


as for Britain, the mandatory power whose 'influence' you are saying 'created' Israel, they did NOT vote in favour of the 1947 UN partition plan, and after the war was over, they waited quite a long time, until 1950, before they formally recognised Israel - after about 50 other countries had already done so. If Britain had really 'created' Israel, as you are claiming, don't you think they would have recognised it rather quicker than that?

Edited by blake
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Iisrael was created by taking land away from other people.

No. The land was taken away from the Turkish/Ottoman Empire, following WW1.

That was over twenty years before the British Mandate created by the League of Nations became Israel (1948).

So Israel did not 'take it away from other people'.

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No. The land was taken away from the Turkish/Ottoman Empire, following WW1.

That was over twenty years before the British Mandate created by the League of Nations became Israel (1948).

So Israel did not 'take it away from other people'.


And before they settled it was a desert ,no agriculture ,no Industry's nothing but a waste land that the few Arabs who actually lived their just wanted to leave .

The Israeli's made the desert bloom while others just sat on their arssses.

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while that is not entirely untrue and totally without foundation the Zionist sound-bite 'a land without a people, for a people without a land', is stretching it to say the least. There WERE Arabs as well as a smaller number of Jews there who had been there for hundreds of years before Zionism. But the Arabs of Palestine had no concept of their being a seperate people with a seperate identity distinct from Syrians, and/or Transjordanians. Also quite a lot of the Arabs of Palestine weren't 'indigenous' to the area at all by the time 1948 came around. Quite a lot of Arabs in Palestine had only been there since all the development by the British and Jews since the Mandate period began attracted them. There was quite a lot of Arab immigration into the area after about 1920 from the neighbouring countries. So Arab Momo Barghouti immigrates from impoverished Baghdad in about 1937 because he hears there's pretty well paid jobs going on building sites in Tel Aviv and Haifa. 10 years later after not doing so bad, it all comes up on top for Momo, and Momo gets caught up as a civilian in the 1948 war, legs it to Lebanon, and ends up in this camp. Three years after that, the Iraqi Momo is classed by the UN as not only a Palestinian, which is news to Momo because neither Momo or any other Arab for that matter ever regarded himself as being a Palestinian before, but a Palestinian REFUGEE too. And 70 years later the descendants of Momo some of whom may still be in Lebanon but who could by now be anywhere, are STILL classed 'Palestinian' refugees. It's just ridiculous.

Edited by blake
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