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Naz Shah suspended from Parliament for anti Jewish rants.

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It's a bit of a stretch to call for Ken's head over it, although he didn't do himself any favours:




If you read the original Facebook post it's got nothing to do with criticising the Israeli government policy.


He's got form for this sort of thing though. He was hauled over the coals for calling a journalist a concentration camp guard or something if memory serves.

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it definitely sounds very ropey indeed, to me. For a start, it's hearsay, and ancient hearsay at that. Why did it take 30 years for it to come out. And why was it instantly seized upon by prominent partisan figures, including Sharon. It also seems rather anachronistic too. We are all familiar with the term 'anti-Zionist' now, but I don't think people were anywhere near as familiar with the term fifty years ago. It's just dodgy.




actually that is another antisemite myth. Jews and Israelis, are rich.


Israel is quite a rich country in global terms, but it definitely isn't all that rich a country. It isn't even the richest country in the Middle East. Several Gulf countries are richer. Right now, Israel's nominal GDP per capita is around $36,000 - which makes it poorer than every single one of the 50 states of the USA except Mississipi, you know the state of the USA where some of Martin Luther King's followers got into a great deal of trouble, and that comes bottom of just about every list, except lynching.


if Israel were in Europe, it would be behind Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Sweden, UK, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Belgium and France.


The 30 Largest Countries by Net National Wealth.




Israel comes in at number 28.


List of U.S. states by GDP




Wisconsin comes in at number 20 with a GDP of 296,971 million


List of countries by GDP




Israel would be just behind Wisconsin with a GDP of 296,073 million.


And in front of number 21 Arizona with a GDP of 295,445 million.

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He's got form for this sort of thing though. He was hauled over the coals for calling a journalist a concentration camp guard or something if memory serves.


True I suppose if you're going to come out with stupid quotes on a regular basis you can't be surprised when the media takes every opportunity to give you a pasting.

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The 30 Largest Countries by Net National Wealth.




Israel comes in at number 28.


List of U.S. states by GDP




Wisconsin comes in at number 20 with a GDP of 296,971 million


List of countries by GDP




Israel would be just behind Wisconsin with a GDP of 296,073 million.


And in front of number 21 Arizona with a GDP of 295,445 million.


Isn't the GDP of Israel largely due to it being Israel, just north of Africa, and not in the middle of the Arizona desert?

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The problem in the Labour party is well highlighted by Ken Livingstone's comments about never having heard an anti-semitic comment in his time in politics. He himself made crass comments to a jewish reporter likening him to a Nazi Concentration camp warden.

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He's got form for this sort of thing though. He was hauled over the coals for calling a journalist a concentration camp guard or something if memory serves.


that was far worse than this Naz business. Livingstone only referred to the Mail journalist as a concentration camp guard when he found out he was Jewish, note : Jewish, NOT Israeli.


and he's got worse. Look at this :




"Let's remember when Hitler won his election in 1932 his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism.


he's just thick as two short planks. Hitler didn't win the 1932 presidential election at all. He lost to Hindenberg by a landslide. His party did win the most votes in the federal election of the same year, but they didn't get a majority in either votes cast (37%) or seats in the Reichstag.


he's also got it wrong by saying that this was a Nazi policy in 1932, when it wasn't. Not in 1932, but later on there was a kind of half-baked Nazi policy notion to return Jews to Palestine but very half-hearted and almost nothing was done about it.

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The problem in the Labour party is well highlighted by Ken Livingstone's comments about never having heard an anti-semitic comment in his time in politics. He himself made crass comments to a jewish reporter likening him to a Nazi Concentration camp warden.


Do people read anything Ive written - ever? Am I on everyones ignore list?

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it definitely sounds very ropey indeed, to me. For a start, it's hearsay, and ancient hearsay at that. Why did it take 30 years for it to come out. And why was it instantly seized upon by prominent partisan figures, including Sharon. It also seems rather anachronistic too. We are all familiar with the term 'anti-Zionist' now, but I don't think people were anywhere near as familiar with the term fifty years ago. It's just dodgy.


Anti-Zionism was very strong 40 years ago when the UN passed the resolution "that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination".


The resolution also criticised the Apartheid regime in South Africa and the Smith government in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).


Is it racist to boycott Israeli goods as I and many others do for their treatment of the Palestinians over the years? I'd say not since I have zero prejudice against Jews and find a lot to admire in Jewish culture.

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