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Naz Shah suspended from Parliament for anti Jewish rants.

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I think the Labour party all need a crash course on "When to keep your mouth shut"

Promptly followed by a conference on "Understanding when you've put your foot in it"


But thats the problem see, there is the power struggle, and the Blairites are trying to get back hold of the reins, and they will use any excuse to pull their own party down....desperate stuff by desperate people

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But thats the problem see, there is the power struggle, and the Blairites are trying to get back hold of the reins, and they will use any excuse to pull their own party down....desperate stuff by desperate people


and all playing out on the front pages.


Great way to impress the voting public :thumbsup::thumbsup:


---------- Post added 28-04-2016 at 13:28 ----------


Is it racist to boycott Israeli goods as I and many others do for their treatment of the Palestinians over the years? I'd say not since I have zero prejudice against Jews and find a lot to admire in Jewish culture.


No it's just stupid, because Israel employs so many Palestinian workers in the factorys producing those goods, you're effectively pushing the Palestinian workers into hardship.


besides are you actually siding with these people?




A poll of Palestinian youth between the ages of 15 and 29 found a majority support the knife attacks taking place against Jews in Israel.

Edited by geared
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The 30 Largest Countries by Net National Wealth.




Israel comes in at number 28.


List of U.S. states by GDP




Wisconsin comes in at number 20 with a GDP of 296,971 million


List of countries by GDP




Israel would be just behind Wisconsin with a GDP of 296,073 million.


And in front of number 21 Arizona with a GDP of 295,445 million.


that is a ridiculous measure to use. That is the total volume of GDP of the states of Wisconsin and Israel. When Wisconsin only has a population of 5.7 million. Israel is over 8 million.


the best measure to use when comparing how relatively affluent countries are is GDP per capita with PPP (purchasing power parity) however it is difficult to find the figures for GDP per capita PPP with individual US states, so you have to use the nominal GDP per capita figures. With nominal GDP per capita, all the 50 US states are more affluent than Israel, except the poorest one, Mississipi.

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Anti-Zionism was very strong 40 years ago when the UN passed the resolution "that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination".



Oh come on. You must know that the Zionism=Racism resolutions was a Soviet sponsored initiative following the 1973 war when tin the Cold War, the Israelis were very firmly on tbe side of the Americans for the first time. When the Soviet Union collapsed, so did the resolution.

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of course thats not anti-sematic either is it?

or narrow minded, or ill informed, or moronic.


What if the tables were turned, and it was a prominent Jewish figure calling for all the Muslims to be rounded up and shipped off overseas????

There would be a rent a gang stood outside OUR Town Hall on a Saturday morning complete with loud speakers and flowing banners calling for his head and the bombing of Isreal.


---------- Post added 28-04-2016 at 13:44 ----------


It would probably also be one of the wealthiest states in America, now if Israel was a Muslim country it would be one of the poorest in the world and Muslims would be running away from it leaving it vacant for the Jews to move back in. :)

It was a desert when they moved in and it would return to one if they are ever driven out.

They made that desert bloom , they planted the crops and built the Industry for the benefit of all who live there inc the Arab population.

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Is it racist to boycott Israeli goods as I and many others do for their treatment of the Palestinians over the years? I'd say not since I have zero prejudice against Jews and find a lot to admire in Jewish culture.


Probably not you, and possibly not many individuals who do, but I'd say that the BDS movement definitely is.


Otherwise, why not products from the many many countries with much worse Humanitarian abuses?


Do you boycott products from Indonesia for their ethnic cleaning of Papuans from West Papua? If not, why not?


Do you boycott products from Morocco for their ethnic cleansing of Sahrawi Muslims in Western Sahara? If not, why not?


I could go on, and on, and on ...


Why is the BDS movement so fixated on one tiny country's (as discussed) misdemeanours in particular, and unmoved by all the others?


How do you explain the BDS emphasis on Israel in non-racist terms?


(Clue: the answer given to me recently that "it's because Israel controls the press" is not a non-racist answer, if it's because you somehow hold Jews in Israel to higher standards to Muslims in Indonesia that's not a non-racist answer either.)

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Probably not you, and possibly not many individuals who do, but I'd say that the BDS movement definitely is.


Otherwise, why not products from the many many countries with much worse Humanitarian abuses?


Do you boycott products from Indonesia for their ethnic cleaning of Papuans from West Papua? If not, why not?


Do you boycott products from Morocco for their ethnic cleansing of Sahrawi Muslims in Western Sahara? If not, why not?


I could go on, and on, and on ...


Why is the BDS movement so fixated on one tiny country's (as discussed) misdemeanours in particular, and unmoved by all the others?


How do you explain the BDS emphasis on Israel in non-racist terms?


(Clue: the answer given to me recently that "it's because Israel controls the press" is not a non-racist answer, if it's because you somehow hold Jews in Israel to higher standards to Muslims in Indonesia that's not a non-racist answer either.)


Not buying Israeli goods goes back to the Seventies for me and has nothing to do with the BDS. In fact I had to google BDS to find out the meaning. I discovered it's a Palestinian led campaign, which would explain their emphasis on Israel.


As for people saying "it's because Israel controls the press", I'd suspect that was spoken by a genuine anti-semite. There's definitely been a rise in anti-semitism recently and I'd suggest a lot of it is tied to the rise of online conspiracy theories. Speak to most conspiracy nuts and you'll find the vast majority believe in a secret Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Yes, that old chestnut.

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There's definitely been a rise in anti-semitism recently and I'd suggest a lot of it is tied to the rise of online conspiracy theories.
To my mind, and by the evidence of numbers actively fleeing continental European countries of late, more of it is tied to institutional passivism, not to say passive encouragement (à la Livingston, Shah, Corbyn, etc. in the UK; and there's way more and much worse elsewhere) in the face of the "ratcheting" latent-growing-blatant rethoric that goes hand in hand with political polarisation.
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