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Box set and binge viewing megathread.


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1 hour ago, willman said:

If you haven't watched Hidden its definitely worth worth downloading the first series.

Where's that available willman?

Sounds quite good.


Meanwhile I recommend Public Enemy.

Series 1 (8.5/10) is better than 2nd (7/10) but both are a good watch.


These are linked so you will need to watch the first season to know what's going on.


Available to download on sky boxset. In subtitles as this is a French thriller.


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16 minutes ago, willman said:

Hidden is a BBC series so i think i downloaded it from iplayer via Sky.




Will see if I can pin it down- sounds similar to The Bridge, which I never got to watch (think was Swedish). 


That spun off to deliver a French version called The Tunnel- I believe I may have reviewed that on here, but if not then it is very good.

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Just rattled through A Christmas Carol that has been sat in the planner like a half eaten tin of quality street. Not read the book, in fact my only point of reference is the Muppet version. This version was rather sweary and very very dark. But I thought it worked the grey areas well and the performances - particularly guy pierce And vinette Robinson- were first class. Not a laugh riot like the Muppet one but enjoyable and quite thought provoking.

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Dug out my 'Ashes To Ashes' box-set. It doesn't get as many rave-reviews as 'Life On Mars' but I can't watch one without the other. The opening episodes are especially funny when Keeley Hawes is adjusting to life in the 80s. The cheery "Morning imaginary-constructs" is a classic line I've often used at work. Unfortunately my colleagues aren't imaginary.

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5 hours ago, wearysmith said:

Dug out my 'Ashes To Ashes' box-set. It doesn't get as many rave-reviews as 'Life On Mars' but I can't watch one without the other. The opening episodes are especially funny when Keeley Hawes is adjusting to life in the 80s. The cheery "Morning imaginary-constructs" is a classic line I've often used at work. Unfortunately my colleagues aren't imaginary.

Both very good.


I've just watched Breaking Bad...again! 


Quite a few people have mentioned The Expanse, I think they are all on Prime so I might give that a go next. I've been watching Star Trek Picard too, not for the die hard Star Trek fans but the story is unfolding slowly.

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The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.


Truly awful, heartbreaking.
I purposely went on my laptop during parts of it because I couldnt bear to hear too much detail.
Theres talk of a second season. I really hope not. His story is told now, they shouldnt drag it on further just because the series was popular.

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10 hours ago, nikki-red said:

The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.


Truly awful, heartbreaking.
I purposely went on my laptop during parts of it because I couldnt bear to hear too much detail.
Theres talk of a second season. I really hope not. His story is told now, they shouldnt drag it on further just because the series was popular.

I only had to look this up, read a bit and concluded I wouldn't be able to handle watching the documentary.


Extremely sad and as a father, I just cannot fathom how people can do such evil to their own children.

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