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Box set and binge viewing megathread.


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On 26/04/2020 at 11:06, Funky_Gibbon said:

Season 4 of The Last Kingdom just dropped on Netflix... that'll do nicely.

Thanks for the heads up on that. Because of the delay I can't remember how season 3 ended but I'm sure it will all come back.

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On 28/04/2020 at 16:32, croat77 said:

Gangs of London


Something that could be great crime drama is ruined with matrix - like fighting sequences.


On 15/04/2020 at 16:11, wearysmith said:

'Sapphire And Steel'.  An Xmas gift from the beloved.  Viewed from now, the special effects are rubbish, but the atmospheric story-telling aspect still remains as good as I remembered. 


Time someone rebooted this very fine series

Treated myself to it a while back and fully enjoyed it. Loved the Ending.



On 26/04/2020 at 22:58, Mr Fisk said:

Gangs of London 


Recently started on Sky Atlantic but all 9 episodes can be downloaded to binge watch.


Extremely violent series which sees the family of a murdered London gangster kingpin, search for the people responsible for his death.

This brings in gangs from Albania, Turkey, Pakistan and Nigeria- all who want their businesses to continue- with one trying to wipe out the other.


Extremely Violent - enjoyable (?) & FULL of Holes.

Rat ta tat tat of machine guns, Bombs going off all over the place , a killing in nearly every scene  and not a Blue light or Copper in sight!

I was gona say bit like living on't M&&&&& but wouldn't like to offend anyone - LOL

Very good BUT very Poor.



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'The Plot Against America' 

6 part mini series following a Jewish Family in a world where the anti Semitics Charles Lindbergh becomes the President of America instead of Roosevelt.

I'm always dubious with the 'What If' Alternative history scenario, but this one works (to an extent).

A bonus for me was all the lovely (as if they had just all been pulled out of show rooms) 1930/40's American Automobiles.

I hadn't much problem with the first 5 parts of the series but the ending in part 6 still has me at a bit of a loss as it just appeared to be cobbled together and took the previous believable acting and plot lines into something that didn't quite make sense (to me or our Lass).

I won't spoil the ending for anyone but would be interested to know what others think.


Worth watching.


Keep safe Eat well 



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Code 404. A bit of a mash up of touch of cloth and misfits (before going a bit black mirror towards the end) but not as good as any of them. Funny in parts, nice concept but not funny or clever enough, it drifted too often. Daniel may and Stephen Graham were good but let down a bit by the writers.

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The Tiger King.

His character & eccentricity draws you in, ably aided by his troupe of society's strays & misfits, as the storyline builds through each episode.  The point at which we decided he had 'lost the plot' or whether he ever had it in the first place was well debated long after the last  episodes 'summing up' by those involved.

A damning indictment of USA  laws surrounding  Wild Animals in captivity, (or mainly the people allowed to keep them), Intriguing, entertaining, thought provoking and ultimately sad,... Make your own mind up!!. 

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