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Box set and binge viewing megathread.


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2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Des. Pretty much as advertised. David tennent was excellent, rest of the cast - particularly jason Watkins- were all great as well. Well paced and the sound wasn't an issue either.

What sound issue ? that was whats known as a Scottish brogue not a fault in your TV's sound system Tinfoil.

Keep safe.


Ratched (Netflix)


I don't know what to say about this one.


Prior to the Nurse's appearance in 'one flew over the cuckoos nest' this prequel gives an insight into her character.


Mixed reviews over this one and I can only agree.

Starting off, I thought this was the best thing since battered haggis but if it wasn't for the fine looking 1940's Yank cars, Lady's fashion and scenery the whole thing turned into nothing more than a televised comic strip straight out of a comic book.

Plot lines are comic, unbelievable or just down right silly (IMO).


Worth watching? probably but don't expect too much.

No 2 in the pipeline - yes & can't see it being any better.



Keep safe.

Binge responsibly. 

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On 18/09/2020 at 13:12, tinfoilhat said:

Unforgotten. Not Chernobyl but a very solid UK crime drama.

Just finished the 3rd season and really enjoyed this series. Much better than I had imagined.


Some excellent acting, with a solid script that plays out so well.


Highly recommended.

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1 hour ago, Mr Fisk said:

Just finished the 3rd season and really enjoyed this series. Much better than I had imagined.


Some excellent acting, with a solid script that plays out so well.


Highly recommended.

Series 3 was brilliant - I loved how it showed the real  impact on police - it's not something that's really talked about. Series 4 is being filmed as we speak.


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6 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Series 3 was brilliant - I loved how it showed the real  impact on police - it's not something that's really talked about. Series 4 is being filmed as we speak.


Series 4 would be welcomed by fans of this drama- similar to Line of Duty (also was being filmed but like many, coronavirus has led to delays).


I agree with you about the impact police cases have. Nicola Turner,  who plays DCI Stewart displays signs of work and personal trauma.

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On 16/09/2020 at 22:17, Funky_Gibbon said:

The Night Of and True Detective are 8 episodes but still very good series.


If Brooker11 doesn't mind some older series, I'd recommend:


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (Alec Guinness version)

Smiley's People (same)

Edge Of Darkness

State Of Play


Good to see Edge Of Darkness and Ultraviolet get a mention. Shame Ultraviolet only got the one series. So much potential. 

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Ghost's series 2

Well I don't know what's gone on here I even looked to see if the script writers had changed.


Had to wait till the last episode to get me and HTSBO laughing this time.


Disappointing after so much hype and waiting for the second series to begin.


With so many writers collaborating you would have thought something better would have come out of lockdown.


3rd series ? got to be better than this to keep it alive (LOL)


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On 06/09/2020 at 10:23, Rockers rule said:

Thank you Mr Fisk, but I don't do Super Hero stuff at all (or very rarely)

I have checked out one of the trailers and while the special effects look pretty good the modern day super hero thing ain't for me.

1960's Batman is my limit -KAPOW.


Back to Banshee. just the one spoiler (look away if you haven't watched).

In the episode where the Indians (Native Americans) attack the Police station, our heroes are fast running out of bullets and serviceable weapons while being bombarded by some serious ordinance.

Despite a gallant stand off  three of the attackers manage to get in but are quickly dispensed of while the others attacking are repelled.

All good stuff but why don't any of our heroes pick up the three machine guns the now dead attackers brought in with them?

That would be too easy of course - the best thing to do is run down to the basement with the very last of the your nearly empty weapons.


Excellent series just full of holes just like the police station.  



The whole point of The Boys is that it's an anti-super-hero series really.  I don't do comic translations usually as the promotion of trivial violence as a way to solve a problem (but it's OK because they're a 'baddie'!) makes me reach for the off switch, but this one is actually different.

And in Banshee I didn't bother watching Anthony Starr much while there was Geno Segers to watch instead ;)  There were enormous holes in Banshee, including why in this day and age of computers, how the hell did nobody know what their new sheriff actually looked like?

We often joke that when they put the warnings up at the start of a program, if it doesn't warn us about violence, language and blood then it's probably not our sort of thing!  The best warning ever was for an episode of Rebus, which had violence, language and scenes of crucifixion.

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17 hours ago, medusa said:

The whole point of The Boys is that it's an anti-super-hero series really.  I don't do comic translations usually as the promotion of trivial violence as a way to solve a problem (but it's OK because they're a 'baddie'!) makes me reach for the off switch, but this one is actually different.

And in Banshee I didn't bother watching Anthony Starr much while there was Geno Segers to watch instead ;)  There were enormous holes in Banshee, including why in this day and age of computers, how the hell did nobody know what their new sheriff actually looked like?

We often joke that when they put the warnings up at the start of a program, if it doesn't warn us about violence, language and blood then it's probably not our sort of thing!  The best warning ever was for an episode of Rebus, which had violence, language and scenes of crucifixion.


It makes me laugh when at the end of soaps they put the usual ' If you have been affected by any of the events in this program please call '


I always think, 'I'm glad our street ain't like that' and would anyone want to live in any of these places.

The best parody I can remember was in an issue of Viz where some one had (supposedly) wrote in to the letter page,

saying how he was 'surprised how soap's emulated real life', 

only for the next article to read how he agreed with the previous correspondent and how 'only last night I skimmed down our drain pipe broke into our local boozer killed the landlord and was back in bed before my mum realised I'd been out.(some BEastenders plot at the time).


still can't see me watching 'Boys' can't be doing with that 'Cape' wearing stuff. 


Keep safe.

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'Raised by Wolves' series 1.


You could almost believe this series was made in the 60's or 70's.

Not a great deal of special effects but what are there are acceptable.

Fully enjoyable only trouble had to wait for each weekly episode.


Not exactly a new story - an 'Ark' carrying the remains of mankind has travelled to a distant planet but ends up in all sorts of trouble.

Our main characters are two human like android type things ('Mother' & 'Father') that have to look after and nurture their young wards,

easy - well no, that would be too straight forward wouldn't it.

Slow moving in parts but captures you enough to want to follow them through the various problems they encounter.

Christians, Atheists, the plant's predators and spooky goings on through out all add to a well filmed watchable 1st series.

NO SPOILER - but after waiting for so long, everything finally starts moving very fast in the last two episodes.

The ending was a little disappointing as the explanation for what had been happening throughout (and acceptable) was spoilt despite a further really nice twist by the introduction of  a  ???? - I said I wasn't going to spoil it. so you will have to watch it to find out how it ends.



Well worth watching as a binge. 

Series 2 - left wide open for it, so let's hope so.


Watch out for the space ship pod type thing.

(It looks like one of those mini hand held vacuum cleaners you'd use in't car - lol) 

Edited by Rockers rule
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