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If 800 people gave as little as £1 for Motor Neurone Disease..

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I don't normally post on forums but am needing as much help as possible to raise funds for my friends mum.


She has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease which is such a devastating illness but she has been so strong and selfless throughout this time.


Her house needs a lot of alterations in preparation for when she will need a wheelchair. Nobody can predict when this will be so for her peace of mind, these alterations will need completing as soon as possible. As she owns her own home and has worked all of her life, she is not eligible for any financial support from the government and has to find the funds for this herself.


Even if each person gave just £1, I'd be able to smash this target.


Your support would be absolutely amazing and would make such a difference!!!! Also anyone else who wants to join us and help to raise money, you're more than welcome to join us. Thank you so much



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