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Sledging in Sheffield when you were young


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We used to do Concord Park too....Great place to sledge. Spent a lot of time in Wooley Woods as well...Living on Shirgreen and scouting in Wincobank. Great place to go "play". (Before computers I might add)

Beavercoats used to scare me..I always went down there slowly LOL.

Anyone from 61st Scouts, Wincobank?

nothing scaree on bevercotes iused to live on there me and my mates used ride on an air raid shelter tin the bent one great fun

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Between the age of 8 and 10, we used to sledge down Southgrove Road ; not too steep, but there was Ecclesall Road at the bottom ! Actually, when we reached Ecclesall Road, we did a neat swerve, left or right, and came to a stop on the flat bit. This was 1950-1953. Imagine trying to do that now !!

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When you were younger, where was your favourite spot for sledging? Along with a host of other youngsters I favoured Wayland Road, Sharrow Vale, which was quite steep and we had difficulty in either stopping at the bottom or doing a quick turn into a road which I can’t remember the name of. The whole road turned to ice very quickly, but luckily, in those days, nobody had cars so there were no complaints.


My second favourite was Dover Road — until a lad overshot it and finished up being hit be a tram on Ecclesall Road. Luckily, he was not seriously injured.


Linton Rd runs off the bottom of Wayland, or Bagshot ran down the side


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We loved going on the death track on the Bolehills-if you went too fast you couldn't stop and would fly over the wall to Tinker Lane-certain death if u weren't quick enough to jump off your sledge!


Grow bags were a good alternative in summer on the Bolehills-from the top(near 99 steps) to the monkey bumps-hurt your bum like crazy but whooa such a thrill!!! lol


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i lived on firth park crescent.......used to start at the top of bevercotes road at windmill lane and go all the way down towards bellhouse road.

Also tried the steep hill down towards the stream in firth park a few times ..

.............but that was a little dangerous.

A long time ago.


hi radish, we sledged down page hall rd right towards upwell st,

i lived in grimesthorpe s4, we were surrounded by hills,

done all the side st and not much traffic about.

Did the belly down and wore my shoes out on the toes guiding

the sledge down hill. Happy days.

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