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Sledging in Sheffield when you were young


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I used to sledge down beavercotes Road in the 40's and early 50's. The road was unaddopted at that time.

We didn't have sledges so we used half an air raid shelter. The big kids were at the front standing up and the little ones at the back. I lived on Patmore Road. Those were the days.


i must know you i lived on bevercotes me and my used an air raid shelter to sledge down the road

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HI 25195348 i left july 51 so you are 12 months behind but I have contact with one of your year i think he was in Mr Holdlsworth class name of Malcolm Taylor if it rings bells let me know and I will get you in touch


Hi Mr Holdsworth rings a big bell for me,I was in his class 4A I think, the last year at School, and Malcolm Taylor certainly rings a bell, he was a real tall guy,we played in the school Cricket team,and he was a good bowler,in fact at one time I think we sat near to one another in class

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember many happy days in Oxley park in Stocksbridge sledging in the late 1970s


Then as we grew older and a bit more daring we went for the ultimate sledging from the top of the dam wall at Midhopestones reservoir.


I remember one of my friends who didnt have a sledge using empty plastic fertiliser bags they were so fast much faster than a sledge it seemed he flew down the slope and straight over the edge of the dam overflow channel it was long way down OUCH! but he was ok and was soon up at the top again.

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When you were younger, where was your favourite spot for sledging? Along with a host of other youngsters I favoured Wayland Road, Sharrow Vale, which was quite steep and we had difficulty in either stopping at the bottom or doing a quick turn into a road which I can’t remember the name of. The whole road turned to ice very quickly, but luckily, in those days, nobody had cars so there were no complaints.


My second favourite was Dover Road — until a lad overshot it and finished up being hit be a tram on Ecclesall Road. Luckily, he was not seriously injured.

Graves park for us...other side of the pavillion....good fun and safe....of course meadowhead hill and derbyshire lane were highly attractive and dangerous...but who cared the rush was great

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we used to sledge down the steep field that ran from the tennis courts of hinde house school down to the top of fife street (this was 30+ years ago, before they built the school there)...if it was a good run, you would end up in the ''gulleys'' between the waste ground and the bottom of the field :) :)


We used to sledge from the tennis courts all the way down to the hockey pitch on the bottom field, very steep! Wouldn't be able to do it now though, all of Hinde House is fenced off. :(


I also remember when our PE teacher, Mr Craven, took us sledging on Concord golf course before the parky came over and chucked us off!

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  • 2 weeks later...
meersbrook park on an old upturned car bonnet during the late 60s down the side of the ravine as we called it and over the huge bump where the bandstand is now


Was I the only one who forgot there was a bandstand there? When there'd been heavy snow it used to pile up against the top edge bringing it level with the slope & making it invisible from the top of the hill. Me & my two brothers had a good solid home-made wooden sledge with metal runners & were doing a fair lick when all of a sudden the ground disappeared from below us! There must have been a good 6ft drop at the other side of the bandstand. Needless to say we thought it were great fun - were we really fearless or just plain stupid?

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