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Sledging in Sheffield when you were young


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Two places we sledged the first was across the bottom of the steep bankung of Crookesmoor rec. With the the steep slabs on your right if you lost control you hit the slabs on your right and wrecked your sledge.


The second was down on the Ponderosa down the wide path tht runs across it. at that time it wasn't tarmaced it was red shale therefore called Red Hill.

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going back a long way now ,they used to allow skiing down one side,and there was a pulley system to get them back up,when it started to get dark they had lights all down the side.i used to be able to see it from my bedroom window all lit up.

What years were these? 'When I were a Lad etc' you werent even allowed off the path!!

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we used to sledge down the steep field that ran from the tennis courts of hinde house school down to the top of fife street (this was 30+ years ago, before they built the school there)...if it was a good run, you would end up in the ''gulleys'' between the waste ground and the bottom of the field :) :)

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When you were younger, where was your favourite spot for sledging? Along with a host of other youngsters I favoured Wayland Road, Sharrow Vale, which was quite steep and we had difficulty in either stopping at the bottom or doing a quick turn into a road which I can’t remember the name of. The whole road turned to ice very quickly, but luckily, in those days, nobody had cars so there were no complaints.


My second favourite was Dover Road — until a lad overshot it and finished up being hit be a tram on Ecclesall Road. Luckily, he was not seriously injured.

Hi Peter my early recollections is down Broomspring lane in the early 30 ties from Glossop rd to Broomhall st and as you say no worry about traffic inthose days Happy days Arthur.
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Bingham Park (above endcliffe park)

I once had to swerve to avoid a kid who jumped out in front of me, and went straight into the bushes and cut up my face. It didn't hurt much, but when I finally managed to stand up, I looked like an extra from a cheap zombie film.

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Fitzallan St. awesome, Neville St. and Verdon St. in the late 50's and early 60's. also sometimes Nottingham St. and Spital St. I recall with great joy the times we had with all my mates. There was a girl who used to come along with us at times, a big girl she was so we nicknamed her "40 bust". never knew her real name, but she used to love jumping on the sledge with us and riding down the hill. And whenever she jumped on, we all jumped on, she loved it as much as us. I would love to see her again, must be over 40 years since. Great day's never to be seen again.

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Graves park was good. can remember walking home and my older brother walking way ahead of me. i was freezing cold and started to cry, i shouted him to come back for me and he did. big brothers eh. brilliant! those were the good days.

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Meersbrook Park too. At night when it went colder it turned icy and was sometimes really dangerous. I've hit the bottom wall a couple of times, but didn't really stop myself mind.

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