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Hall & Oates , City Hall in 70/80s

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Does anyone have any memories of seeing Daryll Hall and John Oates at the City Hall during this period?

I seem to think I saw them 2/3 times but it's all a bit vague now.

Can anyone put me right ?

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I remember seeing them around76-77 at the city hall this particular time john Oates stopped playing they were having a row I think they did continue the gig I think that was the last time they were at the city hall

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Hi canetoad. I've just managed to find online their complete tour history.

The gig you're talking about was Jan 77 but I've no recollection of the incident you mention.

They then played again in Oct 90. Surprised at that. 13 years in between. I'd not imagined there was that big a gap between performances.

The last gig was one of the best I'd seen at the City Hall which was some achievement as I'd been a regular there since the early 60s

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