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Airstrike on Syrian Refugee Camp

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Just watching the desperate, passionate and very moving plea of a man outside what is left of the refugee camp on the BBC news, 'What did these children do? Where is the world?" he screams.


Pro-Assad forces are being blamed by some. Syria is in such a mess, it seems almost impossible to be sure about anything. Whoever did this, it is a terrible, ungodly act.





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It actually would be a very godly act, old beard loved killing kids, sometimes to punish the parents and sometimes to prove a point against Satan.


However, my heart goes out to the poor people in these camps. Their lives are already awful and now they are being attacked.


I can only hope that this was some sort of error, surely no one could have ordered this to happen.

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It actually would be a very godly act, old beard loved killing kids, sometimes to punish the parents and sometimes to prove a point against Satan.


However, my heart goes out to the poor people in these camps. Their lives are already awful and now they are being attacked.


I can only hope that this was some sort of error, surely no one could have ordered this to happen.


I understood from reports earlier that it's nowhere near the "front line".


Shocking and tragic.

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Just watching the desperate, passionate and very moving plea of a man outside what is left of the refugee camp on the BBC news, 'What did these children do? Where is the world?" he screams.


Pro-Assad forces are being blamed by some. Syria is in such a mess, it seems almost impossible to be sure about anything. Whoever did this, it is a terrible, ungodly act.






Good question - where IS the world ?

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Good question - where IS the world ?
what is the world supposed to do? If we interfere, we're the little Satan, and deserve to be attacked ourselves. If we don't interfere, we're cold hearted monsters with no empathy.


Seems like it's time other countries took a lead from us Europeans and started sorting their own business, instead of relying on 'the world' to do it for them.


It might even turn out, it was friendly fire to stir up the bleeding hearts, so they can all start trekking over here again and be welcome?


Just a thought.

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I lay the blame on Turkeys door for this. That vile murderous country has got away with so much recently. Just ask the kurds.


How is this the fault of Turkey? Wouldnt it be the fault of whoevers planes launched the attacks and dropped the bombs?

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evidence please?


Give it a week or two and I am sure that the 'Russian or Syrian' jets will transpire to be either Turkey or one of its allies.


Before you ask again I have none. Just a strong gut feeling which may or may not be IBS

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