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Advice on alcoholic drunks harassing me/passers by

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I work on West Street and will usually buy my weekend bottle of wine on Friday evening after work from one of the 24 hour shops criticised earlier in this topic. Rather the courteous staff service there than the ignorant behaviour of the already drunk student masses frequenting Tesco at 5.30pm

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The problem with alcohol is too easy to get hold of its everywhere unlike in the past where only pubs and off licenses were allowed to sell it . Its easy to get hooked on it too perhaps its time to prune back on shops selling alcohol easy said than done as shops want to sell it has it brings in a nice profit.


Here we go again in this nanny state country, let's blame everyone/everything else but not the person pouring alcohol down their neck every hr of everyday/ as its everybody else's fault is it? The few always spoil for the many.

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Here we go again in this nanny state country, let's blame everyone/everything else but not the person pouring alcohol down their neck every hr of everyday/ as its everybody else's fault is it? The few always spoil for the many.


Not ' nanny state ' just starting the facts.

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No, you stated no facts, it was all opinion.


Really more shops sell alcohol now than ever before so easy to get hold of unlike in the past.


---------- Post added 14-05-2016 at 16:21 ----------


you are not a landlord/manager of a license house are you?

I wish :hihi:

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Here we go again in this nanny state country, let's blame everyone/everything else but not the person pouring alcohol down their neck every hr of everyday/ as its everybody else's fault is it? The few always spoil for the many.


I agree why is it the governments fault that people have such a problem with freedom of choice. This is similar to drug taking, litter dropping, bad language in public, banging kids out whatt they cant look after, and general antisocial behavior.

Over reliance on the state creates a situation where everyone has got an excuse for all their predicaments. I'm too fat, I've got a alcohol dependence. You name it , i'm sure someone can find one to pick from. Then if they can't , they' are obviously in denial. So their social worker will say.

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Really more shops sell alcohol now than ever before so easy to get hold of unlike in the past:


I think the bigger difference is that nowadays so much of the alcohol industry's output is specifically targeted at problem drinkers. I think I read recently that this now accounts for more than half their profit.

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I think the bigger difference is that nowadays so much of the alcohol industry's output is specifically targeted at problem drinkers. I think I read recently that this now accounts for more than half their profit.


Yes the alcohol industry as a whole is inherently evil ... those poor people are just desperate for a drink , their welfare needs to be increased so that they dont need to hassle hard working people like you and me , just let us go about our business unhassled please so that we can get to work and pay our taxes like good citizens ....

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I think we all know there are just a small number of off licences/Convenience stores in the City Centre that attract the alcoholic scrotes, beggars and other problem characters.


They sell high alcohol products at relatively low prices and aren't very selective about who they sell them to, regardless of licencing laws.


Most of these shops are right next to key city centre bus stops, tram stops and student accommodation, causing issues for others.

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