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Advice on alcoholic drunks harassing me/passers by

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Off topic a bit , On this thread someone said that the ' City Ambassadors' had been finished I remember them with their red jacket's patroling the city centre not sure if they patrolled the affected area or not but they did make the city centre a bit safer and plus the tourists find them helpful shame. People need to aware of what's happening if they read this thread then they know what expect and find other ways to their destination . I used to visit Sheffield often and had to go though this square to get the tram been disabled I'm as easy target . I would notice a group sat on the old post office steps watching everyone go by plus some like to sit on that road island with its seats not really welcoming is it? Could you contact a local MP about these issues it really does need looking at?

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Did you see my 15yr old daughter being harrassed by a homeless/ drunk male wearing an adidas hoodie an jogging bottoms, yesterday at around 18-15 on Arundle gate?? If so why didn't anyone help her? She was very distressed when she arrived home. The police said "she should have rung them straight away." Well she was scared and thought the man was going to hit her an take the phone from her hand. I'm asking people to please be aware of what's happening around you and intervene if at all possible.

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Clearly no-one in authority 'round these parts' cares about decent people being hassled, it's all "they're just sad unfortunate people (could easily have been you or me) let down by the system" (no concept of personal decency and responsibility then).


Just such a shame that decent people whose lives are being ruined are seemingly not allowed to even air their entirely understandable grievances.

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It's useful not to confuse issues of drunkenness with homelessness. Or mental illness for that matter. Alcoholism, or any other substance abuse can be either a symptom or cause of homelessness. Levels of homelessness and street-sleeping have shot up by about 50% since 2010 and the imposition of austerity economics.


Re: New York/San Fransisco, the USA has a pitiful mental health service, and far too many cases end up in prison because there's nowhere to hospitalise or even just treat them. When they come out of prison, there's precious little support infrastructure, so they can easily end up on the streets.


If someone is threatened by a person, they should back off if possible and/or shout loudly for help. I think a lot of people hold back from intervening in things on the street because from the outside it's not always clear what's going on. There's always the fear of getting caught between two sides, as when people step into a 'domestic'. But it's true that if just one other person steps up, it can often stop things escalating.

Edited by birobasher
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It's useful not to confuse issues of drunkenness with homelessness. Or mental illness for that matter. Alcoholism, or any other substance abuse can be either a symptom or cause of homelessness. Levels of homelessness and street-sleeping have shot up by about 50% since 2010 and the imposition of austerity economics.


Re: New York/San Fransisco, the USA has a pitiful mental health service, and far too many cases end up in prison because there's nowhere to hospitalise or even just treat them. When they come out of prison, there's precious little support infrastructure, so they can easily end up on the streets.


My Bold


thats because they dont know how to treat mental health issues, its the same any where in the world?

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My Bold


thats because they dont know how to treat mental health issues, its the same any where in the world?


Specifically in the USA, it's a symptom of their commercial healthcare system. There's no cash in mental health. The knowledge exists, but adequate healthcare hasn't, certainly not until the advent Obamacare and even with that it's desperately thin provision.

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My Bold


explanation needed


I thought it was clear - there are trained clinical staff who could help the mentally ill in the USA, but whilst the healthcare system is still based on ability to pay for treatment, and mental health is not catered for, nothing will improve. Obamacare has improved provision slightly, but against a massive political effort by Republicans to stop even those small changes.

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