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Advice on alcoholic drunks harassing me/passers by

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You asked for a suggestion but my suggestion is only possible if you have reached a point where you are capable of seeing things without reacting to them. Consciousness and awareness are needed to understand this suggestion.


I suggest when a drunk is harassing solve the problem by not taking it personal.


I agree for me thats what I do but I work in town and some of the staff who finish late are older/female walking alone and less confident I don't think that its acceptable for them to feel intimidated by these individuals when all they want to do is get home.

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I agree for me thats what I do but I work in town and some of the staff who finish late are older/female walking alone and less confident I don't think that its acceptable for them to feel intimidated by these individuals when all they want to do is get home.



Maybe these elderly women should be the ones we teach to properly yell something nasty and inappropriate. This would be very much out of character from an elderly female who is taught to be vulnerable helpless less confident and cry when harassed.


Should not be difficult to teach someone to yell that, even if it is very much out of character with their old female personality. Most, but not all elderly woman are not taught to yell angry nasty things when harassed. That out of character surprise will be what protects them from harassment.

If a man yelled something nasty like this it will not be the same as when a woman does it because the violent verbal insult is part of the mans confident defensive personality.

Besides if a helpless vulnerable woman yelled this they would not really mean it, they only do it for protection but deep down they still feel unconfident.

Edited by dutch
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Yeah, but then one would have to arrange, organise, advertise and pay for <removed> Yelling Lessons" and that's too much of a hassle :)


It will be less hassle and cheaper than leaving EU. The leave campaign pay's for an aircraft with a banner to fly over Sheffield and you call this a hassle.

Edited by nikki-red
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Look online at Sheffield telegraph there was a meeting last night for people that live in the City centre and the issues that affect them, there is a new x student city cent re Councillor. clock her name and get in touch with her via the town hall switchboard

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