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Advice on alcoholic drunks harassing me/passers by

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Whenever you leave you flat, simply stagger around holding your own can of Oranjeboom and leer at anyone who comes near. Folk will soon stop asking you for money and you'll have benefit of a convenient refreshment.

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My wife was waiting for the No 3 outside the bus stop at Select & Save when she witnessed an altercation between a couple of drunks. The woman next to her remarked: "I call the shop Swear & Save." The No 3 used to be the No 22 and the stops were either opposite the Cathedral or in Pinstone Street before they moved it. I wonder who at SYPTE (does that useless organisation still exist?) has it in for the good folk of Nether Edge.

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Put your self in there position, you have no money, you are hungry etc etc you are thirsty, is it a cup of tea you would ask for? so you could go to the cafe and sit down at the table with a nice piping hot cup of tea,

They are alcoholics and all they are concerned about is where the next drink is coming from. They are drug addicts.


Exactly thats why everyone should stop giving money to them. If people want to help buy a big issue or offer to buy them something non alcoholic. If everyone in this country did this and stopped enabling them we might actually solve the problem.

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Hi all


On the Neighbourhood Watch network we are being advised that there are two off-licenses in that area supplying these street drinkers, and an application has just been lodged at the Council for a third to open (on Division Street or West Street, sorry can't remember) but the application will be on the Council Website. Do your best to oppose this application, and email the Council to complain about these street drinkers.


We all know who will be owning these off-licenses. Word has gone round its good business in that area.


Remember to VOTE LEAVE on 23rd June 2016

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On the Neighbourhood Watch network we are being advised that there are two off-licenses in that area supplying these street drinkers, and an application has just been lodged at the Council for a third to open (on Division Street or West Street, sorry can't remember) but the application will be on the Council Website. Do your best to oppose this application, and email the Council to complain about these street drinkers.


So what are you proposing? Is it a complete cessation of off-license sales throughout the city centre? Surely this must be your proposal because closing one or two will simply move the trade to others.


Co-Op, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury and Tesco to cease all alcohol sales?


Where will people who live in the city centre buy their beer and wine?

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So what are you proposing? Is it a complete cessation of off-license sales throughout the city centre? Surely this must be your proposal because closing one or two will simply move the trade to others.


Co-Op, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury and Tesco to cease all alcohol sales?


Where will people who live in the city centre buy their beer and wine?


The problem isn't the number of off-licences but the fact that this off-licence is irresponsibly selling booze to intoxicated individuals. Also the strength of the drink too. There is only two markets for this drink and that's alcoholics and teens. So why not simply stop selling the product or informing this off-licence of its legal duty to responsible drinking.

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